Student Tasered after asking Kerry questions

Discussion in 'Politics' started by DrEvil, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. that was pretty funny. waht a dumbass.

    #31     Sep 18, 2007
  2. jd7419


    So funny. I nearly pissed my pants. That dumbass needs to read some Jack London and Into The Wild. He then needs to load up on pot and berries and march his ass into the yukon to find the meaning of life. What a dumbass who got exactly what he was looking for.
    #32     Sep 18, 2007
  3. cstfx


    What? Do you think he got what he wanted and conveniently had someone there to videotape it so it could be released to the 'net? People don't do that, do they?
    #33     Sep 18, 2007
  4. Someone posted an alleged eyewitness account on dailykos.

    "I was at the Kerry speech today, sitting 2 rows away from all the action. I'll let you know how it really went down.

    The forum was going to be over at 2 pm, and Kerry spoke for so long that the Q and A portion had to be shortened. He only got through about 7 of the 50 people who were waiting to ask questions. While the final question was being read, some douchebag ran down the aisle, grabbed the mic from the other side of the room, interrupted the kid who was talking, and started yelling at Kerry, demanding that his questions be heard. He started ranting about how Kerry talks in circles or something, and everyone was getting annoyed. The cops are all over him in no time and try to escort him out, but he starts yelling and resisting. Kerry insists that they let him stay and even agrees to answer his question.

    After the interrupted guy's question was answered, Kerry keeps his promise and lets the angry guy talk. This is the point where people started taking their cameras and phones out. All the videos floating around youtube start around here. You can see in the videos that his questioning gets kind of inappropriate, so somebody cut his mic. Instead of shutting up, he starts yelling and making an even bigger scene. He struggled all the way up the aisle, and started violently trying to free himself. They threatened to taze him and he wouldnt stop fighting, so he got tazed. They only had to arrest him because he was causing a disruption and wouldn't leave peacefully. He wasn't being silenced for asking tough questions, trust me.

    It's a shame that they had to taze the guy, but he had a chance to calm down and didn't take it. He probably didn't pose a physical threat to anybody in the room, but someone can't just hijack the floor of a forum like that and expect not to get kicked out. This wasn't some poor guy who was brutalized for trying to ask some tough questions. He's just an obnoxious guy who had a fit when there wasn't time for his questions and refused to be calm even when he was given the chance to speak. He was looking for trouble, and everyone applauded when he was forced to leave.
    #34     Sep 18, 2007
  5. the mere fact that the mike was there is entrapment. it encourages free speech. ban all the mikes and tazer anyone that looks like they are opening their mouths to speak or yawn. get the bastids before they get a chance to get first vowel formed !

    some will say tazering a yawn is too harsh but i say if you can't get thru a political rally w/o yawning you deserved to be tazerd

    "when tazers are outlawed, only outlaws will have tazers !"
    #35     Sep 18, 2007
  6. #36     Sep 18, 2007
  7. I look forward to police tasing those morons who shout down every conservative who tries to speak on a college campus. I guess different rules apply to them since they usually manage to shut down the event. Campous cops and administrators then issue statements about how important free speech is and how diveristy is a core value.

    When they annoy a liberal politician, they just beat them up then taser them. Makes me nostalgic for the Clinton years when the Secret Service were under orders to beat up demonstrators who didn't show the proper love for their President. This time around it will be even better. Demonstrators can be locked up indefinitely under the Patriot Act.
    #37     Sep 18, 2007
  8. Since when do cops decide what are appropriate questions? I can see how a person could get annoyed at being shut off by cops. I have some sympathy for the cops too. The guy was clearly looking for trouble. At some point, even if they're wrong, you have to comply with the cops.

    I wasn't very impressed by these police. Four of them couldn't control a wimpy-looking college kid. They seemed to escalate very quickly. They went from trying to hold his arm to a taser-aided beatdown in about a second. Let that be a lesson: a lot of cops have a huge chip on their shoulder and are just looking for an excuse to tase people, throw them down and try to dislocate a shoulder,etc. I think these cops should have been able to handle this situation nonviolently. It's not like this was a violent criminal or a crazed guy waving a gun. If I'm their Chief, a couple of them are getting unpaid vacations.
    #38     Sep 18, 2007
  9. #39     Sep 18, 2007
  10. Funny how the clueless conservatives jump to their assumptions without knowing all the facts.

    The student was not giving Kerry a hard time. His question was along the line that Bush stole the 2004 election and was questioning Kerry why he didn't contest the result.

    I guess the local police didn't want people to hear about it...
    #40     Sep 18, 2007