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Discussion in 'Politics' started by nitro, Mar 14, 2004.

  1. Maverick74


    Mute argument because they are illegal. Let's stick with the facts OK? Let's don't pretend that we live in a world that doesn't exist just so you can win your argument. I agree, you should be able to buy all the crack you want, but you can't therefore, your need to get high is going to have consequences on many other individuals.
    #21     Mar 14, 2004
  2. i'm not going to get sidetracked here. the bottom line is, when you eat your meat, some animal that did not want to die and will never live again, probably had its guts ripped out while still screaming, just so you could eat it.
    #22     Mar 14, 2004
  3. Maverick74


    So when I catch a fish in the ocean right before a shark was going to swallow it whole, you are saying this is wrong? All I did was change its time of death by a mere few minutes. LOL.
    #23     Mar 14, 2004
  4. that's silly.

    for the record, i don't go fishing because i don't want to hurt the fish or the worms.
    #24     Mar 14, 2004
  5. Maverick74


    It's not silly, it's fact. And afraid to hurt the fish or worms? Dude, you are such a freaking pussy. Get a grip OK?
    #25     Mar 14, 2004
  6. pathetic response. you can argue with someone else now.
    #26     Mar 14, 2004
  7. Maverick74


    Well, both are facts. Catching a fish right before a shark eats it is only changing the time of death by a few minutes. And you being a pussy, well, that is a certifiable fact. You need to grow a pair buddy.
    #27     Mar 14, 2004
  8. logic is difficult to understand

    #28     Mar 14, 2004
  9. Turok


    >Well, both are facts. Catching a fish right before a
    >shark eats it is only changing the time of death by
    >a few minutes.

    And the dude that got shot providing crack for person "A" would have been shot providing crack the next day for person "B" even if "A" hadn't bought it so the time of death is only a day different.

    Hey, it's your logic.

    #29     Mar 14, 2004
  10. Maverick74


    No, this isn't correct. You are making the assumption that everyone that sells crack gets shot. LOL. Hardly buddy. I have no idea what the numbers are but I would guess it's less then 5% or maybe even less then 1%. Whereas most fish in the ocean are a meal ticket for the next bigger fish. If I had to bet money on how long a fish could go without being eaten compared to how long a crack dealer could go without being shot, I would put my money on the crack dealer. LMAO. Nice try, thats for coming out. Better luck next time. LOL.
    #30     Mar 14, 2004