String Theory coming to PBS

Discussion in 'Politics' started by nitro, Sep 4, 2003.

  1. maxpi


    Evolution is a fact only because the venue for arguing against it is 100% controlled by the publically funded schools and people are indoctrinated into the belief system from about age 5 on up by those same state run schools. Now if you want to hear from a guy with a lot of extra IQ points and decades of experience questioning and trashing evolution and the idea that the universe is old, look up Kent Hovind. Once you hear both sides of the argument you will laugh at all this "science", it is the biggest joke ever.

    #22     Nov 10, 2003
  2. Kent Hovind is a JOKE.


    Some quick quotes:

    Could he be in it for the money?

    If you seriously think he poses any challenge to science,
    you better get off the crack pipe :D



    #23     Nov 10, 2003
  3. dgmodel

    dgmodel Guest

    #25     May 4, 2004