for automated trading systems

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by ssp729, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. ssp729


    Hello everyone, have you tried They show a list of a lot of automated trading systems
  2. MattZ

    MattZ Sponsor

  3. MKTrader


    They've been around since 1997. See how many systems have been profitable since then. Heck, see how many systems have been profitable for the last 5 years. They once showed every trading system that had been on their site at the bottom in fine print. It was like a huge graveyard of failed systems...showing how hard it is to actually make money at this game over the long term.

    Having said that, at least they're transparent with results. Those people who peddle systems for Russell Sands & Co. only show cherry-picked account statements and want like $6,000 to lease a system (instead of paying month-by-month at Striker, which makes a lot more sense).
    MattZ likes this.