strange market behavior at 4.30AM EST

Discussion in 'Trading' started by vdgraaf, Jul 7, 2005.

  1. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    I don't think anyone should feel guilty about making money today. It could have just as easily gone the other way and you could have lost. Not only that as a trader there are certain opportunities every year to make a good amount of money, and sometimes it comes because of a tragedy. That said I think we all have an obligation to be good human beings and do what we can to help others who are worthy of us helping them, but to feel some remorse because an event that none of us would want to happen did happen and it gave an opportunity, I don't think that is warranted.

    #51     Jul 7, 2005
  2. marky1


    Fx man all I was asking was that people did control their emotions by not banging on about how much they made. I don't know how you can not understand that - it was pretty clear and simple. Now that we've all lost our magniminity I may as well tell you I made a lot of money yesterday, and yes I will give some back, to the people that have lost limbs, and the kids that went to sleep with no fathers or mothers last night. I suggest you get back to your 2 lots and concentrate on your trading rather than designing your crappy whining polls about how black boxes are screwing you.
    #52     Jul 8, 2005

  3. LOL

    Exactly, what you were asking was unwarranted.

    "all I was asking was that people did control their emotions by not banging on about how much they made"

    Why would traders change their daily routine and focus because of terror in London where 30 odd people die? If someone talked about profits and coining one day last week, why shouldn't they have done the same yesterday? Because 30 Londoners died? Do you know how many people died on our planet yesterday? There should be no directional or selective bias in your trading and more importantly, no bias in how we value human death and suffering. I will not choose to weep and cry for 30 terror victims in London and not weep and cry for 200 innocent Iraqi's who are taken out by terror. If you operate from this framework, you would not think twice about swinging for the fences in the panic yesterday or someone would not adopt a loser and misguided framework of feeling guilty for "going to work" yesterday or "I have to give some of my profits back.

    I repeat, tens of thousands die from poverty daily so your charity possibly could be directed somewhere else. Your just a media tool "Today, everyone is a Londoner" crowd and in the big scheme of things, the death and terror in London was marginable in the global scheme of humanity death and suffering.

    You may have had 100 Africans die in 1 village in 1 country yesterday or 100 innocent Iraqi's die from Bush's blunder and the terror there yesterday or I would estimate at least 30 innocent Iraqi's die daily from Bush's blunder and the terror there. Do you send something for them from your profits? You want a cookie for giving your "supposed" profits away to a moronic cause?

    Actually, the black box thread was probably over your head. I was discussing how to beat them, how to attack the black and white boxes. Read the entire thread, you may learn something for a change.

    Can't expect a blind man to see, a cripple to walk, or a deaf person to hear though.
    #53     Jul 8, 2005
  4. one moronic rant ratified, unfortunately, by another.
    #54     Jul 8, 2005
  5. marky1


    haha, you're such a putz mate, where you from, Iraq, Iran, Palestine?
    #55     Jul 8, 2005