Stopping illegal immigration

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MarketMasher, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. If he became Pres. with a name like O( )ama, a middle name like Hussein (Saddam) etc., etc., he can damn do pretty much whatever he wants.

    Waiting with heart throbbing for him to start culling whites, starting with your Ignore List pizzazz prime competitor, Scataphagos and then you, the string out your ass a dead giveaway beacon on a dark night.

    :) :) :)
    #11     Jul 31, 2010

  2. That's easy.

    Because after 22+ years of (3-5 min. chart) market exposure, he still can't trade worth a shit. So he hangs out in the Politics and Chitchat forums at a trading site instead of going to the numerous forums that specialize in such gonadic activity.

    And wherever there's a fuckup aborning in a thread, he always shows up to fan the flames and fuel dissension.

    A totally worthless ET oldtimer.

    But wait, the BEARmarket will likely demand these assholes expunged and a new breed of traders hungry to learn will demand culling.

    What a fckin disappointment for us newbies to come here to ET and see such vaginal effluvium gurus on a pedestal.

    America needs a BEARmarket of staggering proportions to cull these retards. Me thinks we gots it!

    Fingers crossed as I wait. :) :) :) :D
    #12     Jul 31, 2010
  3. Lucrum


    I was kidding
    #14     Aug 1, 2010
  4. This argument seems specious.

    1. Don't many of the illegals get paid "under the table"? No payroll taxes from them nor their employer?

    2. Even if they "pay taxes", do they pay more than they receive in benefits from our social net? Somehow, I doubt it.

    3. America has 25-30 Million unemployed/underemployed. The workforce has a need for what, 125-160,000 new jobs per month just to keep pace with population growth?

    4. So... illegals, "work cheap". What about all of the jobs they displace from Americans looking for work? (Yeah, I know... "but, Americans won't do those jobs". Americans WOULD do those jobs if that's all the work they could get AND generous unemployment benefits were pared back. There have been times in the US, like after WWII, when the president ordered all illegals to leave the make room for jobs for returning servicemen. We need some of that kind of thinking right now.)
    #15     Aug 1, 2010
  5. Lucrum


    1. A tramp; a vagrant.
    2. A lazy or shiftless person, especially one who seeks to live solely by the support of others.
    3. An incompetent, insignificant, or obnoxious person:
    #16     Aug 1, 2010
  6. The left wants to go after business owners. The right wants to go after the illegals and border security.

    Go after both. I'd say a fine is reasonable. There should be a penalty for knowingly hiring illegals, absolutely. However, there's the state who has the burden of proof to show that the business actually knew or reasonably thought that the individual was illegal. You can purchase or forge fake documents very easily. If it can be shown that they knew the individual was an illegal, it's reasonable to have a penalty associated with that. However, I don't think it's "criminal" and don't think there should be any jail time for it. However, illegally entering and working in the usa is criminal. I think competent and effective border security is essential for national security as well as enforcement of whatever immigration policy we do have. I absolutely agree that the USA immigration policy needs reform. It's too much of a pain in the ass, and ridiculously expensive to navigate. Just like everything else in our government. It should be more open and easy to navigate so that the labor market can be more free. However, immigration reform is a very different proposition than amnesty for illegals and an absolute free for all for anyone who can get here.

    #17     Aug 1, 2010
  7. The "americans won't do those jobs" argument is bullshit. The truth is more along the lines of "americans wont do those jobs for minimum wage". If illegals weren't there then the employers would have to pay larger wages to attract americans to do the work. The illegals skew the price of labor. Americans would do the work if they could make a decent living in exchange for it. Thats why republicans have done nothing about illegal immigration, they want people who will do nasty ass work for shitty wages. Because americans USED to do all those jobs, back when they paid a living wage. NOW americans wont bother doing that work because the labor market has been skewed by illegals. Dems interest in illegals is obvious, they want to grant them amnesty, then get all their votes.

    #18     Aug 1, 2010
  8. I know a couple guys in management (one @ GM another works for a supplier), who have told me personally that a large % of union wokrers making >$27 have or show little motivation to do their respective jobs.

    From what I recall regarding job satisfaction, on a scale of 1-10, pay rates only bring the worker up from a -1 to a zero. meaning although we may be adequately compensated, as soon as we are paid what we think we are worth, there are other problems with the J-O-B.

    #19     Aug 1, 2010
  9. Looking over a bit of history, basically the older generation of hub cap hangers wanted a better more productive life for their children. "Go to college" or "Ill pay your wat through college so you don't have to spend your life doing these mundane tasks to make a living.

    Well the boomers did, we went to college got degrees, etc now what do we tell our kids? Go pick tomatoes.

    Unfortunate though, we lost the mfg jobs, and a kid with a degree has no place ot work.
    #20     Aug 1, 2010