Stop killing the Iraqis.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Intelinvestor, Apr 2, 2008.

  1. maxpi


    The US did a census. Saddam was a very busy guy, apparently he killed about 80,000 men a year and he used to rape and kill women for fun...

    Here's my take on war in general: nobody in their right mind would ever think up such a thing. Same goes for these arguments from the op...
    #41     Apr 2, 2008
  2. 80K/365=220 per day every day for 25 years?

    You've been watch too much Fox News.
    #42     Apr 2, 2008
  3. At its height, the forced famine killed 25,000 per day in the Ukraine alone. Makes Saddam look really nice.

    Saddam Hussein modeled himself after Joseph Stalin more than any other leader in history. Stalin killed or starved 10s of millions of people.

    Amnesty International said the world's worst country for human rights occurred in Iraq during Saddam's reign. The general estimate of the number killed was 2 million.

    Saddam refused to comply with 17 consecutive UN resolutions including human rights abuses.

    Where's all the bleepin oil we are supposed to get from all this.
    #43     Apr 2, 2008
  4. I have it on good authority from the Code Pink moonbats on ET that there is an underground pipeline which runs straight to the White House garage (and Cheney's as well). Bush did it for the oil, you know....
    #44     Apr 2, 2008
  5. I see. So it's America's fault that radical Muslims strap explosives to themselves and kill other innocent Muslims who have a different take on the religion? It has nothing to do with Sunni vs. Shia, right?

    Gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up for us.
    #45     Apr 2, 2008