
Discussion in 'Trading' started by NewTrader1, May 26, 2001.

  1. This stockscanner is supposed to scan the market intraday and alerts traders of intraday stock bottom or tops and more. I am taking a 2 weeks free trial to see how it works. Maybe you guys can try too and let me know if it works.
  2. ronb107


    Well NewTrader1, what was your experience?

  3. aldrums


    I like this scanner, and have been using it for about a year now. I actually used another version of it for the first six months, which is available at
    Both scanners were developed by Mike Diplock, who lives in the UK, and they only scan for Nasdaq stocks. This scanner also requires a Realtick feed and high speed internet access.
    The scanner does not actually "Read the tape in Real Time" but uses the opening and closing prices of one minute candles to perform the calculations. The scanner is divided into two windows, one for your "Watch List" and the other for Alerts. The watch list is great, because you can filter for stocks based on volume, price, pace, speed, and other parameters. Mike Diplock defines "Speed" as the rate of buying or selling in a stock. Buying is represented by a positive number, selling by a negative number.
    Since I only look for stocks that are selling, I can set my watchlist to view only stocks that have a negative speed and that also meet the pace, price, spread, and volume requirements I specify. This is great, because I have a watchlist that I sort on speed, updated every minute, that gives me the all the stocks that are selling on the Nasdaq, from the fastest to the slowest. I think this is much more helpful then Greatest gainers/losers lists, etc.
    Another cool feature of this scanner is you can drag and drop a stock symbol from the watchlist or the alert window into Realtick.
    I also programmed my own alert to find fast selling stocks which works great. They also have pre-progammed alerts that work pretty well.
    I would recommend this scanner because it is not too complicated and can be learned, although I will admit I put a lot of time into learning all the functions so I could really understand how I could use it to my best advantage. I would also recommend that every trader use some sort of scanner and understand it intimately, it will definitely give you an edge in finding stocks that meet your criteria.

  4. genebort


    to aldrums: you didn't mention which "stock scanner" this was, or was I too dumb to catch it? Would like to know please, as this might help me.
  5. aldrums


    Originally posted by genebort:
    to aldrums: you didn't mention which "stock scanner" this was, or was I too dumb to catch it? Would like to know please, as this might help me.

    There are two versions at these links:

    "Mwatch" at

    "I-Scan" at

    Currently I am using I-scan.



  6. a good friend of mine uses i-scan and has it set only to pick up capitulation and euforia alerts.. he loves it and does very well trading its signals.. i personally dont use the correct data provider so i have never used it..

  7. Magna

    Magna Administrator


    Since you've had the opportunity to use both the I-View and mtrader scanners, how would you compare the two. I realize they are variations on a theme, both originating with the same developer, but you've chosen to settle on I-View so I was curious. Thanks.
  8. aldrums


    I-View, I-Scan, and I-Screen, which are all part of the same scanner offered by Realitytrader, (those names are ridiculous) has a few more features than the last version of M-Watch that I used. M-watch may have been upgraded since then. One feature I liked that M-Watch didn't have was color coding for the alerts. I-Scan also has a feature that determines if a stock is in an uptrend or downtrend based on one minute candles. You can download both scanners and trial them if you have a Realtick feed. In addition, both scanners come pre-programmed with different kinds of alerts, developed by each company, Realitytrader and Mtrader. I like the I-Scan alerts better, but I probably could use either scanner right now and it wouldn't make a difference, because I have customized all the alerts for my needs.

