Stocks news

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by krolewsky, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. krolewsky



    Which news provider has the most fastest headlines?
    And second qestion - who put fast news on twitter? which accouts follow?
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
  2. wintergasp


    Bloomberg terminal is probably the place where would will find relevant news tory to your underlying asset the fastest and see its impact on the market.
    Mark Lapin likes this.
  3. Bloomberg is best. Only question is do you want to pay the $2k per month fee.
  4. dealmaker


    Under trader tax status $2k is a write off....
  5. just21


  6. True but for most people, $2k is more than their entire brokerage account.
    dealmaker likes this.
  7. We use TradeXchange and Trade the News.. The TradeXchange is $39.95 great for Day trading.. TTN is about $150-$300.. Great overall product
  8. hi. I would like to share with you guys this free stand-alone website that I follow for stock market news, forex and commodities. it also has real-time economic calendar covering economic indicators over all the world. Investors Mart