Stock Scans

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by learningoptiontrading, Jul 19, 2018.

  1. What’s your favorite scans/screeners to find good trades/opportunities? Any recommendation on one?

    And what’s your favorite parameters to use when scanning?
  2. Doobs789


    I scan for stocks whose IV change (from close) is >7-10%. Assuming price is above $10, avg option volume >2500, and 30-day IV >20%.
    Adam777 and oldmonk like this.
  3. I see, cool! Any recommendation on a software or website that has good scanning functionalities?
  4. Peter8519


    I scan the number of days a stock stay above a moving average(e.g. 50MA).
  5. tomorton


    Sounds like you not only don't want to do the work to scan for stocks to trade, you don't want to do the work to find a scanner that will do this for you.

    I don't say you need to repeat work others have done, nor that you can't follow a successful route already proven. But suppose you have a good scanner and it generates a list of 25 stocks to buy - how will you select the right one? Where will you enter? Where will you put your stop? Will you use a TP, and where will you put it? Or will you pyramid it? And should you hedge it?

    Don't jump into water until you know how deep it is (or isn't).
    zdreg and MaxPastukhov like this.
  6. @tomorton Sounds like you not only want to contribute to threads when you have nothing to offer, but you want to throw in a dose of condescension free of charge. I don't recall the OP asking, "Hey, anyone have general (sarcastic) advice for how to manage positions?"
  7. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    Our Lightspeed Trader platfrom has a built in stock scanner called LightScan.

    LightScan searches the entire universe of stocks to display symbols sorted and filtered based on your preferences. Sort by over 100 possible criteria and filter to create infinite possibilities.


    For a demo of any of our platfrom, go to this link. Please say you heard about us from Elite Trader.
    traderslair likes this.
  8. Doobs789



    No one ever accomplished anything by listening to the naysayers. To the OP; keep asking questions, keep learning, and don't pay attention to clowns like the guy above.
    learningoptiontrading likes this.
  9. tomorton


    Merely a cautionary message that finding a quick way to select targets isn't the end of the story. It isn't even the beginning. I do want the OP to come back and ask questions and dropped just a tiny number of hints as to what issues need to be considered. I absolutely try to help new traders avoid dangerous pitfalls and have posted thousands of words of free advice.

    But I notice you didn't yet give any advice to the OP. You go ahead, I'll follow on.
  10. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    #10     Jul 19, 2018
    bullmarket79 likes this.