Stock Scalper's P&L

Discussion in 'Journals' started by stockman007, Aug 14, 2005.

Which type of stock trading yields consistent profits?

  1. Scalping (held for few minutes)

    61 vote(s)
  2. Day Trading (held for at least an hour)

    20 vote(s)
  3. Swing Trading (held for few days)

    29 vote(s)
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  1. Is that because I questioned your out of this world results? You barely trade and make an insane amount of money. There are scalpers struggling to make a few hundred dollars a day while trading nonstop from 9:30-4:00 and you come in post results of easy $1000-2000 in a few minutes. Pardon me if your trades (which lack details such as times, prices entered & exited) seem unbelievable. Hey but anyway, I'll bite and give you benefit of the doubt since it is apparently a sin to have any skepticism in this squeaky clean business.
    #31     Aug 17, 2005
  2. omniscient

    omniscient Guest

    this is fairly easily overcome with a couple of minutes using Msft Paint.

    1. Alt+Print Screen to capture your blotter / account window
    2. open Paint
    3. paste
    4. select the rectangle area tool
    5. use the rectangle tool to select the area displaying your acct #
    6. Ctrl+X
    7. voila - personal info is now gone


    take care and gtty -


    BTW: doing this will not eliminate skeptics. as has been shown in other threads, it is easy to manipulate images. but i really wouldn't sweat it - a skeptic is supposed to be skeptical :).

    a lot of spam/scam/sham float through here, so our skeptics help keep our little cyber gathering place a little more ... genuine.
    #32     Aug 17, 2005
  3. As you know since you have been a trader for 8 years now, that sizing up in a new facet of trading can be disastrous. When i read you posts about taking 1000-2000 shares of BIDU, my first instinct was to figure out how long it would be until you blow your account up. I have been trading prop for over 2 years now and have seen many many come and go and the main reason these people failed was bc they sized up too soon in daytrading before they really had a handle on things. I hope you do succeed but i dont think Hydros posts about being skeptical of your results is out of the ordinary. You mention not wanting to waste your time with trading 100 shares lots to start, and this is another major problem with traders. This game is about patience and continued learning. This year my estimates for my earnings are btw 90k-120k which is not bad for a 2nd year trader but still is no where near my goals. I understand that the learning process can take some time but also know that by trying to accelerate it can be disastrous. Anyways, i do wish you luck but remember, if this game is as easy as you have made it so far, everyone would be rich. Good luck to you.

    #33     Aug 17, 2005
  4. Omniscient, That will be done starting from tomorrow. Thanks for the details. This will help me to shut some mouths.

    #34     Aug 17, 2005
  5. Who said it was easy? Do you know how much we struggled through the day to make those gains? And get a load of this everyone: The guy has the nerves to say he can make up to 120k per year and where is his proof? Good luck to him anyway. And I cannot understand where he saw that I traded 2k shares of BIDU. Some of these guys just have no idea what they are talking about. Now, I have to listen to rookie traders. I guess this is what I deserve for posting my results. Anyhow, I will post a screen shot tomorrow. Then if i continue to hear whining and crying from the jealous ones, I will request to close this thread because it is kind of moving away from its intended purpose. And to those good people at ET, I feel sorry that you have to put up with some of this non-sense and needle-pinching talk.

    #35     Aug 17, 2005
  6. If you spent the better part of a decade as an unsuccessful swing trader, then YOU should know that stepping into a new arena (yes daytrading is a new arena to you, much different that swing) and making huge gains is very unlikely. At least for the long run. I'm not saying your results arent possible and I am not jealous (where did you get that from btw?). But you are brand new to the game and are posting incredible results, and you are surprised that some of us are skeptical? I think you are pretty short sighted and think that you've discovered some holy grail of trading. I have seen guys like you, you are a dime a dozen. You are a typical Boomer and Buster. You will bang it out hard for a bit and then take it right in the ass. Chances are, if you are lucky, you'll end the year flat.

    By the way, if you cant take someone who challenges you about your results, then how in the hell are you going to be able to cut your losses when you are wrong. Your stubborness will be the end of you i'm sure.

    #36     Aug 17, 2005
  7. Why don't you take a free trial at the chat room in question and see if the live calls match the results posted here? Since you think the results are extraordinary then it would appear to be worth the small amt of your time/effort it would take to prove or disprove what has been posted.
    #37     Aug 17, 2005
  8. Winter,

    This is the response that Mr. Stockman should be posting. Instead of being condescending, this would be a more appropriate response to criticism.

    #38     Aug 17, 2005
  9. Not a question of whether I bang out or not. Its a question of whether the trading advisor at the chat room will bang out. I am following his trades and I am successful. yes I am stepping into new arena, but I am not alone buddy. Read the posts carefully before you throw out stupid words like "take it right in the ass". I am sure You love that, but i dont wanna hear it. I am ready to take on the challenge about my results. Anyway, I have nothing to prove to you and I dont care what you think. At least i am not day dreaming about 120k... I am not stubborn at all. I have agreed to do everything the skeptics want.

    #39     Aug 17, 2005
  10. I am not here to promote the site and its free trial. Besides, the room is closed, not accepting new members. Can someone post their results? I am tired of this...damn

    #40     Aug 17, 2005
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