Stock Ready for Take OFF!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by c_verm, Oct 28, 2003.

  1. c_verm


    I have been researching the water bottling business's for the last year and have came across a company that is positions for Huge returns!!

    This small Canadian water bottleing company called Gibraltar Springs has just rezoned 50 acres, build a new building for their second bottling line and hase been taking market share. Today they just sold some extra property that was not needed and profited $3.3 million which payed off al long term debt.

    The stock is sitting at support and looks like a great long term buy grand slam.

    See for your self: Trades on the TSX-V Symbol YGP
  2. WarEagle

    WarEagle Moderator

    Can you say "Pump and Dump" boys and girls? I knew you could.

    What I want to know is what drives someone to research the water bottling industry for a whole year? :p
  3. dbphoenix


    I just wanna say one word to you. One word.

  4. WarEagle

    WarEagle Moderator

    LOL :D
  5. Pabst


    Katherine Ross, Anne Bancroft, and a water bottle. Re-make city!
  6. lindq


    I assume the stock is at least pretty liquid.
  7. bandit


    DON'T POST TO THIS ANYMORE. This kind of crap has its place, but not here.
  8. Ba dum bum ching :cool: