Stock list on stock twitter X

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by zdreg, May 21, 2024.

  1. zdreg


    How do I create a list to follow? Please list all steps.
  2. maxinger


    My goodness!!! You must have been born before World War 2!

    Just use Chatgpt and you get the answer.

    See the following Chatgpt response :

    Creating a stock list on Twitter (now called X) is a great way to keep track of stock-related news and updates from different sources. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create and manage a stock list:

    ### Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Stock List on Twitter (X)

    1. **Log in to Your Twitter Account:**
    - Open your web browser and go to [Twitter]( or open the Twitter app on your mobile device.
    - Log in with your username and password.

    2. **Create a New List:**
    - On the web: Click on the **Lists** icon on the left sidebar. This icon looks like a bulleted list.
    - On mobile: Tap on your profile icon or swipe right to open the side menu, then select **Lists**.

    3. **Start a New List:**
    - Click or tap on the **Create new List** button. This is usually represented by a plus sign (+) or a similar icon.

    4. **Name Your List:**
    - Give your list a relevant name, such as “Stock Watchlist” or “Market News.”
    - Add a description if desired to specify the focus of the list.

    5. **Set Privacy:**
    - Choose whether you want the list to be **Public** (anyone can follow the list) or **Private** (only you can see it).

    6. **Add Accounts to Your List:**
    - Once your list is created, you can start adding accounts. To add accounts:
    - On the web: Click on the **More** icon (three dots) next to a tweet or on a user’s profile, then select **Add or remove from Lists**.
    - On mobile: Go to the user’s profile, tap the three dots icon, and select **Add to List**.
    - Search for and add relevant Twitter accounts that tweet about stocks, such as financial news organizations, stock analysts, and influential traders.

    7. **Manage Your List:**
    - You can manage your list by going to the **Lists** section and selecting your list. From there, you can:
    - Edit the list’s name, description, and privacy settings.
    - Add or remove accounts.
    - View tweets from accounts on your list.

    ### Tips for Building an Effective Stock List

    - **Diversify Sources:** Include a mix of news outlets, market analysts, financial experts, and official company accounts to get a well-rounded view.
    - **Stay Updated:** Regularly review the accounts on your list to ensure they are still active and providing valuable information.
    - **Engage:** Interact with the content by liking, retweeting, or commenting to stay engaged with the community.

    ### Example Accounts to Add

    - **News Outlets:** @bloomberg, @Reuters, @cnbc
    - **Market Analysts:** @TheStalwart (Joe Weisenthal), @elerianm (Mohamed A. El-Erian)
    - **Financial Services:** @marketwatch, @YahooFinance
    - **Companies:** Follow specific companies you are interested in, like @apple, @Tesla

    By following these steps, you’ll be able to create a comprehensive stock list on Twitter (X) that keeps you informed about the latest market trends and updates.


    THE END !!!!!
    quantitativo and zdreg like this.
  3. zdreg


    +1 on reminder
    maxinger likes this.
  4. maxinger


    I find this chatgpt fantastic.

    It understands languages.
    Soon it will understand feelings/emotions.
  5. ZBZB


    The chat gpt 4o demos were very impressive. Khan academy are using it to tutor students.
    maxinger likes this.
  6. maxinger


    It is unbelievable how technology has advanced so fast.

    I remember during my childhood days, it was extremely difficult to learn.

    Now with computers and the internet and AIs,
    it is so easy to learn.

    Soon humans will be able to travel to another universe and back within a few days.
    jys78 likes this.
  7. zdreg


    Expression Go to the Moon will lose its punch.
    Last edited: May 21, 2024
    jys78 likes this.
  8. Sprout


    A shortcut from @maxinger post is to find a credible account that you resonate with and see it they use the list feature. Use human curated feeds to your advantage.

    If you're a value trader, a good place to start is an account like 'Compounding Quality' @QCompounding. He's a recent account that has grown super fast and creates great content. There's also IBD, which is solid.

    If you trade momentum, looking for trending tickers on a social media analytic site or googletrends would get you a hot list.
    ZBZB and zdreg like this.