Stimulating Creative Thinking

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by WinSum, Jul 2, 2005.

  1. Gym (and you must sweat).

    I have experimented with B12 during developmental stages of a system, but I can't take it too long, as I can get depressed.

    Michael B.
    #11     Jul 2, 2005
  2. hans37


    I'm sorry but I fail to see where developing the right motor cortex if you are right handed does anything for accessing /developing creativity.
    It will however greatly increase your coordination and possibly the sensation of your left upper or lower extremity whichever one you train.

    I think what you are looking for is better communication between the hemispheres .

    To that end I would suggest meditation, with doing a search on brain synchronization techniques and binaural beats technology or frequency following response.

    I'm not selling anything but I personally found to have the best product if you are REALLY into it because of the expense.

    However there are many companies that make light and sound machines and audio tapes that will do what you are interested in exploring.

    Best of Luck to you all.
    #12     Jul 2, 2005
  3. Break the rules.
    #13     Jul 2, 2005
  4. Among the practices I include in my daily life to do just what you ask are:

    1) Qi Gong - which is related to Tai Chi but far more ancient. Many benefits acrue.

    2) Holosync - specifically integrates brain wave frequencies across the hemispheres. Much clinical data to support effectiveness.

    3) Cross Crawling - way to hard to explain here and the average Eliter just would refuse to accept it if I did.
    #14     Jul 2, 2005
  5. nitro


    #15     Jul 2, 2005
  6. Threei


    You might want to try this book:
    One of the best on the topic, IMO.

    Also, in any planning task try to apply mindmapping method. Do a search on google, you'll find plenty on it, start here: It's easy to learn and apply, and there is some cool software for it.
    #16     Jul 3, 2005
  7. Jazz improv. :cool:

    of course, you gotta be able to play, and I mean really play...
    #17     Jul 3, 2005
  8. What stimulates the right brain? I think restricting extraneous stimuli to a minimum. Confronting open, unpopulated geographical space stimulates the right brain. Personally, I have a love-hate relationship with technology. Technology can fuel intellectual curiousity, but it can also be very stifling. I no longer have any cell phones, I no longer wear a wristwatch, and I do not keep a personal calendar. As far as recommending novels, I am not sure if there are right-brained or left-brained novels. I am currently reading John Lecarre's "The Honourable Schoolboy" which is one the few books by him that I have not read. I have always found well written cold war spy novels very stimulating. On one level, they are very routine, but there is lots of subtext.
    #18     Jul 3, 2005
  9. I have not worn a watch for years...yes, I agree...(my reasons are:the standard constraints of society and living I find limiting. The picture is not always improved when putting a frame around it, it is dependant on the picture)

    Which leads to a thought. Day(light) and Night(darkness) have effects on the brain. Perceived Associative Programmed Patterns. Sort of the PaPP smear of the mind :)

    Michael B.

    #19     Jul 3, 2005
  10. Another great thread! You could run with the cross crawling, or something like phillipino kali/escrima as a more straight-forward and functional means to that end. And much more fun.
    Headbutting a wall seems to focus the mind, but it mightnt have much to do with left/right integration. Learn the harmonica, and play the blues.....I suspect the anterior hypothalumus (hope i spelled that right) is where its at in neurological terms, which suggests ultimately that john merchant and bundlemaker are probably on the right track.
    #20     Jul 3, 2005