Still looking for a firm to trade Black Box

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by hmap1, Nov 10, 2003.

  1. hmap1


    Hello, I am still looking for a firm that can host Black Box trading and give us access to all feeds. Can anyone out there give me some ideas? We are not new to this game. Thanks
  2. WarEagle

    WarEagle Moderator

    I know that Assent (Andover) has an API you can interface with...not sure what feeds they offer though, I've only used them for stocks. They once mentioned that I could host my system on their servers if I wanted, but I never pursued that option.
  3. hmap1


    We are doing 20k to 40k in commissions right now on a monthly basis. So this is like free money to the right firm! :) Thank you for the replies. Anyone else?
  4. Check with Greg at ( runs our black box stuff.
