Stiff right arm when trading...

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by TraDaToR, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. On the bright side, if your hand gets numb, you can give yourself a "stranger".:D
    #21     Feb 17, 2010
  2. Know a network admin (who games all the time, spare hours) and a gaming junky, 30-70 hrs per week, both report bad elbows, wrists, thumbs, fingers, rsi of said bits.
    Stiffness, poor ongoing health, general fatigue, lethargy, low vitality, loss of interest in life, and being selfish lazy mofo's. Oh wait, I reported that last bit.

    Gee, any wonder why.
    If someone paid me to simply sit in a chair for that long, I'd have to tell them to get bent, even without screen radiation or feverish mouse clicking.
    Oddly, both have failed relationships, due entirely to excessive gaming.

    Online's worse that heroin, people!!!
    #22     Feb 17, 2010