Steven Spielberg advising Nancy Pelosi on rebranding Democrats

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Range Rover, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. Too bad it wasn't George Lucas. There's a Barney Frank as Yoda bit just floating in cyber space. Or King Vidor. That would be Nancy Pelosi as the wicked witch of the West. Chuck Jones and harry reid as Wile E. Coyote? Charlie Rangel played by Pepe Le Pew?

    Frank Capra? Claude Rains in "Mr. Smith.........." Any of them. Only this time, if they wanted to shoot themselves, let them have at it, and pass the ammunition.

    Actually, this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The Dems want to run the country , and go run to Hollywood for help. For Christ ' sake, they are pretend people. They make shit up; They pretend to be other people. Eh. Maybe that's good. Spielberg hands them a script, and says, " Here. Read this. You don't have to mean it."
    #21     Dec 23, 2010
  2. Dems need serious help with spin and bull shitting their base,they are no where near as good at it as Republicans

    Republicans can tell their base that they are the party of fiscal responsibility,yet Reagan and Bush Jr added more to the national debt and were the 2 biggest deficit spenders of all time when they were in office.After GOP voters gave them the House because they wanted less spending the GOP voted for 900 billion in more spending less then a month later.Yet GOP voters continue to believe that they are the party of fiscal responsibility

    Republicans can tell their base that they are the party of strong national defense,yet 9-11 happens on their watch .Bush let Iran and North Korea build nukes on his watch.Bush was responsible for the the huge mistake of invading Iraq.Bush let Iran and Korea build nukes yet GOP voters continue to believe that they are the party strong national defense

    Republicans can tell their base that they are against Washington spending,but every Republican Governor took Obama stimulus money to balance their budgets while criticizing Obama for passing the stimulus. GOP voters continue to support their republican Governors while criticizing Obama

    Republicans can tell their base that Obama is an extreme leftist and socialist even though 80 % of Obamas policies are Bush and Mitt Romney polices ,and again the GOP base will believe them

    Democrats on the other hand can pass a health bill that covers 98 % of Americans,yet their base is extremely pissed off that there was no pubic option

    Obama can pass a 900 billion dollar bill that keeps his promise of not letting the bush tax cuts expire on the middle class as well as extend unemployment, yet his base is ready to replace him with Dean or Fiengold because he had to let the rich keep the tax cuts too

    Democrats cant betray and lie to their voters nearly as much as Republicans can so maybe they could use some help from Hollywood :cool:
    #22     Dec 24, 2010
  3. Fundamental flaw in leftist thinking. They don't realize that business = seeking a profit

    #23     Dec 24, 2010
  4. LOL!!! Yeah, because hollywood isn't already overwhelmingly left already... ROFL!! What planet do you live on?? At least you can admit that dems regularly lie to further their goals...

    #24     Dec 24, 2010
  5. Of course they lie,but not nearly as much as Republicans lie.

    Republicans lie about their party's biggest principal,fiscal responsibility.Bush and Reagan added more debt to the country then any other presidents.After the last 2 years of promising fiscal responsibility the republicans in congress just voted to add 900 billion to the national debt
    #25     Dec 24, 2010
  6. Good lord, this framing of the debate by the left over the tax extension to be robbing 900 billion from the government is pure stupidity.

    Seeing as you don't like your money being kept in your bank account, here is a good Christmas idea for you:

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    #26     Dec 24, 2010
  7. Mercor


    Its only a lie if you are ill-informed.
    Believe me if the Republicans could run Government without Democratic interference there would be a balanced budget amendment and spending would be sharply cut.

    The Democratic philosophy is mis-matched to run a society. Look at the decay in most of the democratic cities, the crime and poverty, The bloated Government salaries and pensions.

    Obama came into office with filibusterer proof majorities in Congress and could not do much, not until he started fighting for continuation of Bush policies and the end of Clinton policies.
    #27     Dec 24, 2010
  8. So it was democrats that made Bush and Reagan deficit spend like drunken sailers :confused:
    #28     Dec 24, 2010
  9. Republican States need a little help from demcrats from time to time :)

    Although Mr. Perry has railed against the federal economic-stimulus program, billions of dollars from that initiative helped Texas legislators balance the current budget. Those funds won't be available for the next budget.

    Big Texas Deficit Puts Governor in Tight Spot

    DALLAS—A Texas-size hole in the Lone Star state's budget is putting pressure on Gov. Rick Perry, who is running for re-election this year as a model fiscal conservative.

    Mr. Perry, a Republican in office for a decade, is touting his tax-cutting prowess and tight-fisted spending record as proof that he remains the right man for the job. He has maintained a wide lead in polls.

    But as the state's budget shortfall widens—to as much as $18 billion, or about 20% of the next two-year budget, according to the state legislature's latest analysis released earlier this month—critics are complaining that Mr. Perry's policies have left the state with little room to reduce spending.

    "There is no way that they will be able to come up with $18 billion in cuts," said Eva DeLuna Castro, a senior budget analyst at the Center for Public Policy Priorities, a nonprofit that advocates for low-income Texans. "They would have to shut down our prison system."

    Conservatives say that while cutting enough to balance the budget will be hard, it can be done, and that the governor is the right man to do it. "He has worked hard to encourage the legislature to keep spending within the revenue available," said Talmadge Heflin, director of the Center for Fiscal Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a conservative think tank that backs limited government.

    States in the Red

    Most states have addressed or still face gaps in their budgets totaling $196 billion for fiscal year 2010, while tax revenue declined in the final quarter of 2009 in 39 of the states for which data is available. View interactive

    The governor's cost-cutting zeal is being questioned after the Associated Press reported he had spent some $600,000 of taxpayer dollars over the past couple of years to rent and maintain a luxurious home while the official governor's mansion was repaired after a fire.

    The state's Democratic Party responded to the report with a YouTube video that flashes images of the governor's rental home—complete with wood paneling, a chandelier and a heated pool—and plays the theme music from the television show "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous."

    "While Texas families tighten their belts…why should we pay for Perry's extravagant rental mansion?" is the video's closing line.

    A spokeswoman for the governor said that he, too, is cutting back, slashing his office budget by 10.8% and asking the agencies that fund his living quarters to reduce spending by 5%.

    Texas doesn't levy an income tax and boasts that it has one of the nation's lowest overall tax burdens. Those policies, Mr. Perry has argued, have attracted businesses to the state and strengthened its economy. While many states saw their economies shrink in 2008, the first year of the national recession, Texas continued to grow.

    But the economic downturn is catching up with Texas. Sales-tax revenue started falling in February 2009 compared with the previous year, and only started to recover a bit in April of this year.

    Although Mr. Perry has railed against the federal economic-stimulus program, billions of dollars from that initiative helped Texas legislators balance the current budget. Those funds won't be available for the next budget.
    #29     Dec 24, 2010
  10. Mercor


    So I am glad you agree with me that Democrats are unable to manage a society.
    Of course, a few, very few, Republicans fall into that category.

    BTW,Census gains give Texas more clout in Congress
    Dec 21, 2010 ... The seats go where the people are and Texas grew by almost 20 percent, to nearly 25 million people.

    I don't believe there is more then one democratic major city that grew in population.
    Democratic leadership over an extended period of time is corrosive to the American dream.
    #30     Dec 24, 2010