Steroids and Protein Shakes Keep Old People out of Hospital

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Baron, Nov 2, 2017.

  1. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Give underfed senior citizens a protein-rich meal substitute and some testosterone pills from Organon, and the probability that they'll need to go to hospital plummets to zero. Researchers at the University of Adelaide and the Royal Adelaide Hospital discovered this after conducting a year-long experiment with fifty undernourished elderly people.


    Because appetite decreases with age and the population in western countries is greying at a high rate, doctors are seeing more and more underfed old people with decreasing muscle bulk, bone mass and strength. Once 'old-age anorexia' has reached an advanced stage it's very difficult to stop it. The health of sufferers declines so much that they often have to be admitted to hospital.

    The researchers decided to look at whether supplements and steroids might help. They used Novartis' meal replacement NovaSource 2.0, a drink containing eighteen energy percent protein, and Andriol, Organon's oral testosterone preparation. The Andriol capsules contain testosterone undecanoate, a testosterone ester that can be taken orally. Tests have shown that the body absorbs the androgens in Andriol best if it is taken during a light meal.

    The researchers selected fifty over-65s who were undernourished, and divided them into four groups: one group was given advice on how to eat better, one group got Novartis’ meal replacement, one group got the Andriol pills, and the last group got to take home both Andriol and NovaSource.

    The men were given 80 mg of Andriol daily. The women's dose was half that.

    In the year that the experiment lasted, from the group that got both Andriol and NovaSource, nobody was admitted to hospital.


    The table below shows the average number of days that the subjects spent in hospital during the experiment. The number of days was less for the subjects that got Andriol or NovaSource than for the subjects who were only given advice.


    The Australian research was only a small study, but it could have big consequences. The researchers plan to repeat the experiment, but with more test subjects. And chances are they'll get funding. Managers in the health care sector are tearing their hair out over the growing cost of old age. Sooner or later this is going to threaten the quality of health care. Anything that keeps old people out of hospitals is interesting.

    The ultra mild steroid treatment was not without side effects. "Two women taking testosterone developed hirsutism, which resolved with dose reduction; four subjects ceased the supplement because of nausea; and one man taking testosterone had an increase in PSA above the age-related normal range, which was corrected by halving the testosterone dose", the researchers write. "Older people taking testosterone treatment, even in low doses, need to be monitored for such side effects."

    Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Jan 14. [Epub ahead of print].
    Clubber Lang and Slartibartfast like this.
  2. I wonder why it was necessary to mention so prominently (and repetitively) the brand names of the medication provided. Did that company happen to pay for the study?
    EDIT: after reading the link provided, this is indeed the case. Organon paid for this study.
    EDIT 2: it turns out that this is not a new study, but performed in 2008.
  3. Humpy


    The whizzo scientists perhaps didn't think of feeding them I suppose ?
    Visaria likes this.
  4. Humpy


    Blatant advertising. The poster is probably the company owner !!
  5. over-65s...Anything that keeps old people out of hospitals is interesting

    I resent being identified as old. Where do I file my complaint? To be serious, protein deficient is common among us dinosaurs, as is being vitamin deficient. Add in muscle atrophy, joint and tendon wear and you have a recipe for a very difficult time as you age. Eat right, eat healthy and get your ass to the gym. Getting older is painful either way but at least you'll make a good looking corpse, and your friends will thank you for the lighter load as they carry you to the dirt bath.
    speedo, HobbyTrading and Baron like this.
  6. Zodiac4u


    Staying active, eating healthy, taking Multi vitamins and not missing meals is key. Based on my experience, I find that the most common thing that happens to (older adults) is that they skip meals or forget to eat or they skip there vitamin intake. Two members in particular, one was sent to ER after passing out and the other was sent to a convalescent home to get better after falling. In both instances they were given IV's and they perked back up and were sent home after they got better. Its hard to be active when your low on energy due to hunger. This test was done after administering the ingredients to the individuals and that was the easy part, but when they get home, who is there to make sure they take there meds or supplements?
  7. I'm sure I'll draw flak for this but only the first 2 items are essential. If you eat a good diet and go outside regularly you don't need to take vitamin supplements.
  8. eurusdzn


    I have a good relationship with my Doc. Same age, issues yada yada.
    I'd say once every 2 yrs I ask for preventative meds for the flu when I feel it coming on.
    One of the meds is prednisone.
    Oral prednisone for 7-10 days taper is magic for me. It is a mild steroid so side effect of strength and appetite are good when they normally would not be.

    Long term use of prednisone(COPD) folks .....can waste muscle away, however, you would think
    Some type of cycling of mild steroids, great diet and exercize could be planned by a doctor/nutritionist partnership.
    Cost effective if hospital stay can be prevented.

    This doc has stated his day is predominantly dealing with elderly wasting away.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
  9. True to some degree, but unless you're eating really organic across the board, the food we get is not as vitamin enriched as it used to be. I don't care for multi-vitamins as too much just goes to waste and is passed through. People should be tested for vitamin deficiency, and then take the specific vitamins for which they are lacking.
  10. themickey


    #10     Nov 10, 2017
    Zodiac4u likes this.