Sterling Trader Pro

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by Nana Trader, Apr 2, 2003.

  1. well, my experience with echo/sterling has been the complete opposite from what a couple of these guys are posting. 2003 has been an excellent year so far, tech wise. admittedly, i am bias but it is for a very good reason. i was with two firms before i came to echo and i can't imagine ever leaving.(i have been here 2 years now). up until this week i have been on the remote servers and have been very satisfied not only with reliability but also tech support. I have been working with Dan ever since the merger and could not ask for a better tech guy!!!!!!

    i have also used the echopro platform for a year and a half and feel it is the best in the business for how i trade(listed only). i can appreciate other's opinions in this area but i think it comes down to personal preference.
    #11     Apr 30, 2003
  2. dgabreil


    What is Echo's best platform for trading Nasdaq stocks?

    Finally, do Echo traders find that the charting capabilities of the Echo platforms are sufficient or are you forced to get third-party software, i.e. e-signal?

    #12     Apr 30, 2003
  3. I have been with Echo for years, and like every firm they had their times when they would put out a new version or upgrade and things would not go as planned, but that was a long time ago. I really do recommend these guys to anyone, and Sterling overall has been rock solid for quite some time. And I do a good amount of shares and would definitely notice if there was a problem.

    For Nasdaq, I think they still will have you try ECHOtrader II first, all I know about that is that is does have beautiful charts. I use Sterling, and while I used to also use a First Alert for my charts, Sterling's have advanced quite a bit in the last year and I use them solely now. But I mainly use Sterling because the API was so easy to connect to and these days I automate over half of what I do. ECHOtrader II's is a little more difficult to connect to from what I could tell.

    Hope that helps, good luck with your trading.
    #13     Apr 30, 2003
  4. gambler


    Does Sterling have bullet software integrated into the trading platform like Hammer?

    #14     May 6, 2003
  5. I'd like to know this too.

    What about Echotrader 2?

    And just so I'm sure, does Sterling=EchotraderPro only?
    #15     May 12, 2003