Sterling Trader API Quick help!

Discussion in 'App Development' started by spamula, May 17, 2018.

  1. spamula


    Hi guys can someone help with this, my developer is having the following problems.

    Basically we are building a simple stop application for max loss per day and max loss per position using the API to fire orders when a certain parameter is hit.

    "The problem is the API gets disconnected intermittently"

    Example -
    1) Detect if network / broker disconnected. Then reconnect again.

    2) Sometimes freezing / no quotes.

    Any advice or guidance for this Sterling application would be appreciated, apparently sterling API support is very slow!
  2. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    This might be because you are using a demo environment or have to do with your connection. I suggest you or your developer CALL Sterling or your broker. There is no way anyone in this forum can view data to diagnose the problem. I have clients using the Sterling API as far away as Russia that connect without a problem every day.
  3. nanama


    I can try to help if you message me separately. I largely build my trading platform on the Tradier API but will try if its quick
  4. spamula


    The core issue is reliability - we do not get events (when market is closed)
    or if there is a genuine error. So, it is difficult to figure out the cause.

    I have a few questions regarding the Sterling ActiveX API -

    1) An "Automation Error" or "ActiveX error" is observed if SterlingPro is not running -
    can I use this error handling to detect whether SterlingPro is running ?

    2) No events (except Shutdown when closing SterlingPro) are received when SterlingPro is ON,
    but the Market is Inactive (trading closed)

    3) No return codes, or error message / events when sending orders or deleting orders -
    There is no way to find the cause why it failed. When market is inactive the same behaviour is noticed)

    4) Is there a way to find if a exchange or market is active ? Trading is allowed ?

    5) When I register quote during inactive hours, no callback events are received.
    So techically there is no way to figure out why it failed.

    This is the setup I use :

    Windows 10 / 64-bit, Sterling Pro (installed with administrator privileges)
    Visual Basic 6.0 (Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition with admin privileges)
    The VB6 examples and my application are run with admin priviledges.
  5. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    I truly do not understand why you do not email or call Sterling support during trading hours to get help. I would email your questions then follow up with a call.
  6. spamula


    the developer claims he has already done it, but any help with the above would be appreciated
  7. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    If your developer can't get answers, you should call.
  8. spamula


    No reply from there support today anyway this is the latest. if anyone can help:

    Current problems we are having:
    1) Automatically receive events of position (and order updates) when user adds
    / closes positions from SterlingPro
    - (right now due to event notifications being skipped, I check every 10 seconds).
    We are testing on a demo sterling account.

    2) Reliably close orders - if there is a failure or partial fill,
    I need to get the error code and retry again
    Due to events dropping, the reliability is affected.

    anyone anyone!!! x
  9. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    If you were my client, I would be your advocate and get a response.