Stereograms and relaxation of eyesight for traders...

Discussion in 'Trading' started by OPTIONAL777, Sep 18, 2002.

  1. I often really suffer from eye strain. I have been doing some research on stereograms, and thinking there may be some applications for traders....

    There is a school of thought that by working with stereograms, one can actually strengthen their eyesight and reduce strain.

    I know that after staring at a screen for hours and hours, sometimes my eyes start to go batty.

    Anyway, I have found a very unique one that might help.

    The key is to stare at the image intensely for at least 30 to 45 seconds, and then relax, and a new image will appear before you. By repeating this process, the eyes focus and relax, thus working a particular set of eye muscles that enhance vision...

    Be sure to focus as intensely as you can before the image shifts, and the closer to your monitor of flat screen the better...



  2. You are a master. How in the world did you do that?

    Here I am thinking, "cool, I could use this" and then whoa.

    Very good 777.