Stephen Hawking's tip to beat cancer

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by themickey, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. themickey

    Stephen Hawking's tip to beat cancer
    "Remember, nothing defies gravity": a throwaway comment by Stephen Hawking has led to a potential breakthrough in cancer research. Alamy

    Jill MargoHealth Editor, Dec 7, 2019 — 12.00am

    In the summer of 2015, Australian Joshua Chou was at Harvard doing post-doctoral research on gravity when something out of the ordinary occurred.

    He was casually working in a recreational area outside the physics department, where students often had lunch and used large blackboards on the wall.

    With a bowl of fried rice in one hand, Chou was scribbling on a blackboard when he heard a robotic voice behind him.

    Duty now for the future: Dr Joshua Chou from UTS is researching how cancer cells act in zero-gravity space.

    “Excuse me, I think you made a mistake in the second line and you have an error in your calculation,” the voice said.

    Chou had heard that voice somewhere before. He turned to find himself face-to-face with the world’s most famous theoretical physicist and cosmologist.

    “Oh my God! You're Stephen Hawking!” Chou exclaimed, before regaining his composure and explaining it was a rough draft. “I’d love to hear your thoughts on how to correct it,” he added.

    “I don’t have time because I am going to a lecture,” Hawking replied. “But what I want say is that when you are calculating, you have to remember that nothing defies gravity.”

    Chou thought that a bit odd and thanked Hawking for the suggestion, saying he’d think about how he could incorporate it into his revision.

    Now, as a result of that brief exchange four years ago, Chou, at 36, is on the brink of testing whether cancer cells can defy gravity in space, and is poised to become the first Australian to send an experiment to the International Space Station.

    Advanced Tissue Regeneration and Drug Delivery Group at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), had an earlier serendipitous experience that led him to Harvard in the first place.

    Chou's mother suffers from osteoporosis and, driven by a desire to help her, he completed a PhD at UTS in biomaterials used for bone implants.

    Disheartened by the limited materials available, after graduating, he switched his focus to drug development and went to Japan in 2012. There he spent two years working on enhancing the efficacy of osteoporotic drugs.

    In Japan, he happened to meet a visiting professor from Harvard who was associated with NASA and who introduced him to the concept of cell signalling – how cells interact with their environment and other cells around them.

    For Chou this was revelatory and he later contacted the professor, expressing his enthusiasm for the subject. “One thing led to another, and the next thing I knew, I was on my way to Harvard,” he says.

    It was early 2014 and he soon joined a collaboration producing a new drug for osteoporosis, which was developed from research conducted at the International Space Station.

    Out of this world: the view of Earth from the International Space Station. Alamy

    Believed to be the first drug developed in space, Evenity has been on the market in Japan since February and was approved by the FDA in the US in April. (Chou expects it will eventually be approved in Australia too and his mother will benefit from it.)

    Bone health is a big concern in space because the absence of gravity means astronauts have no load-bearing activity and without it, their bones deteriorate.

    The collaboration identified bone cells that target load bearing and figured out how to use a drug to fool the body into thinking it is exercising when it’s not.

    This experience placed Chou in the emerging field of mechanobiology, which explores the interface of biology and mechanics, including how physical forces and mechanical changes of cells contribute to disease.

    “The body is a machine and everything in it responds to mechanical forces,” he says.

    When Stephen Hawking rolled down the hallway that summer's day in Harvard back in 2015, Chou was trying to work out how gravity affects a cell's ability to move around in abstract.

    In his wheelchair, Hawking’s head faced right so it was fortuitous that Chou was working on a blackboard on the right wall.

    “I was very excited and went back to the lab to tell everyone what had happened. But Hawking’s few words didn’t click until three years later, when I was sitting on a beach in Sydney.”

    I’d built a microgravity chamber, but what was my purpose? Then I thought of cancer. Could it defy gravity?

    Chou returned to UTS in 2017 and was preoccupied setting up the family home and his laboratory, which included building Australia's first microgravity chamber (which looks like a large microwave oven) to simulate conditions in space.

    Finally, at Christmas 2018, he took a couple of weeks' leave and was sitting on Bondi Beach looking at the sky, his mind empty.

    “It suddenly hit me. I understood what Hawking had meant. Of course, nothing defies gravity. I’d built a microgravity chamber, but what was my purpose?

    "Then I thought of cancer. Could it defy gravity?"

    "You have to remember that nothing defies gravity": well, almost nothing - Hawking floats in a modified zero-gravity jet in 2007. AP

    “When we were at Harvard, my wife worked in the cancer research group and we used to talk a lot about how, when cancer cells come together to form a tumour, they must signal to each other in order to congregate.

    “We thought about how a tumour builds to a critical mass before cells are ‘signalled’ to disconnect and invade. Nobody knows exactly when this point is reached.”

    With renewed purpose, Chou began 2019 by using his microgravity chamber to test cells from aggressive breast cancer. “We know the only way cancer cells can sense their surroundings is through mechanical forces – forces that only exist when there is gravity.

    Dr Chou with his microgravity chamber at UTS. James Brickwood

    He found that when deprived of gravity, cancer cells lost navigation and could not orientate themselves.

    "If cancer cells are placed in a flask, they normally sense each other and congregate, to form a tumour," says Chou. "But when that flask is put into the microgravity chamber, within 24 hours 80 to 90 per cent of the cells were disabled.

    "It was striking. They either died or floated off because they could no longer hold on.

    “I had the students repeat the experiment several times to make sure it wasn’t a fluke. We saw the same thing. Then we tried it with cells from ovarian, lung and nose cancer.

    “We kept seeing a 24- to 48-hour window during which the cells stopped adhering to the bottom of the flask and could no longer form a tumour or multiply. They had lost their senses.

    “Although they were from different cancers, they had a basic sensory mechanism in common – and that’s what we had to target.”

    Compared with normal cells, Chou says cancer cells are “super sensitive” to microgravity and die far more quickly.

    But why does he need to test this in space?

    I’m told shooting it up into space is cheap. Getting it down is the expensive part.

    There are several reasons. He needs to confirm the cancer cells lose their navigation sense in real space, and that the target – that basic sensory mechanism – remains the same.

    Chou also has two drugs to test. The first, developed by his team, is designed to trick cancer cells into thinking they are in space when they are still on Earth; the second is a new drug for Harvard, which he can’t talk about.

    Chou and his small team of researchers will be at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida for the launch in mid-2020. While their remote-control-experiment will take seven days, the whole mission will last a month.

    UTS has negotiated with Yuri, a German space-service company, to provide the hardware to carry the cells into orbit. It is a fully automated bio-module. the size of half a tissue box.

    Getting the box into space and back again costs $120,000. “I’m told shooting it up is cheap," says Chou. "Getting it down is the expensive part.”

    Although in its infancy, there is movement in Australia’s own space industry. For many years, there have been pockets of researchers pursuing their own goals, but little to unite them.

    Last year, the Australian Space Agency opened in Adelaide to provide policy and strategy in the hope of inspiring the Australian community and the next generation of space entrepreneurs.

    It aims to promote private development, rather than state space operations as embodied by NASA.

    We're not looking for a magic bullet. We are looking for a drug to work alongside existing treatments to improve their efficiency and speed.

    Last month, Chou convened Australia’s first Space Biology Symposium at UTS, which brought together 120 Australian scientists, regulators, hospital officials, government agencies, drug developers, enthusiasts and investors interested in the development of space biology and medicine.

    Then two weeks ago, he was approached by NASA’s space biology division to provide mutual support, and is hoping to establish a formal affiliation to conduct joint research.
    While keen to publish his work, Chou has been advised to wait for patent and IP issues to be settled. “The delay is not about the process; it’s about the values in the target we think we have found and the drug we want to develop," he says.

    “We are not looking for a magic bullet. We are looking for a drug to work alongside existing treatments to improve their efficiency and speed.

    "Imagine if we could give current treatments like chemotherapy a big enough boost to kill the cancer.”
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