Stephen Hawking on human extinction

Discussion in 'Politics' started by futurecurrents, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. So tell me. Did you learn what the term :"greenhouse gas" means while taking your physics degree?

    Do you know CO2 levels are skyrocketing and at levels not seen in millions of years?

    Knowing these two things can you tell me how the temperature on earth should NOT rise?

    No, I'm not an idiot. People who fall back onto such name-calling usually have nothing and are starting to feel defensive.
    #31     Jan 9, 2012
  2. The extra CO2 has been proven to be from combustion of fossil fuels through isotope analysis.
    #32     Jan 9, 2012
  3. pspr


    I see you have your GW talking points down. Unfortunately, the facts don't bear out the GW proponents conclusions. You didn't take the time to read the data at the link I provided, did you?

    BTW, we are in the time frame for a new ice age. It may be hundreds of years away or may be happening now. No one knows until it does. Just as a large meteor strike or a super volcano eruption could happen any time. However, of the bunch, the ice age senario is much, much more likely to happen in the very near future.

    You are also wrong about the effects the sun has. The last few sunspot cycles were mysteriously odd and the sun supplies nearly ALL energy to our planet. The sun has had periods of lesser energy output. That is what caused the ice ages (which make up the largest periods history of on earth) and the Maunder Minimum a few hundred years ago. It also caused the Medieval warm period.

    Your knowledge is biased and has be tainted by liberal instructors, no doubt.

    BTW you are confusing the Methl hydrate term with Methane clathrate which is the frozen methane on the ocean floor.

    #33     Jan 9, 2012
  4. Unlike yourself, I get my (new) science from science periodicals and unbiased news sources. I do not, and will not ever watch either MSNBC or Faux News for more than a few minutes. Scientists don't like bias.
    #34     Jan 9, 2012
  5. 377OHMS


    The "Hockey Stick" chart is fabricated from several segments of data that have been "normalized" by unaccepted methods to achieve a continuous and monotonically increasing curve. It is bogus.

    Futurecurrent's education qualifies him to work at a recycling center

    #35     Jan 9, 2012
  6. It's really pretty simple. You can believe the brain-dead, science ignorant, denialist chatter echoing among the corporate (read fossil-fuel interests) bought media sources like Fox and right wing blogs or you can believe the scientists. I wonder if you're also a creationist. Much of this denier stuff is just pure ideology driven. If you're a good righty you have to deny it. I was a science student way before I had formed any favoritism toward one party.
    #36     Jan 9, 2012
  7. pspr


    As I've pointed out, this is irrelevant. It isn't the cause of any warming. I urge you to read the PDF file I suggested a few posts back. You haven't been listening.
    #37     Jan 9, 2012
  8. "BTW you are confusing the Methl hydrate term with Methane clathrate which is the frozen methane on the ocean floor. "

    Thank you, I meant methane hydrates.

    The worldwide amounts of carbon bound in gas hydrates is conservatively estimated to total twice the amount of carbon to be found in all known fossil fuels on Earth.
    #38     Jan 9, 2012
  9. Lucrum


    #39     Jan 9, 2012
  10. Lucrum


    Hey that's about as long as I'll watch FOX news as well. Does that mean I'm a smart guy too?
    #40     Jan 9, 2012