Steepening Yield Curve Spread Trade

Discussion in 'Financial Futures' started by killATwill, Oct 10, 2019.

  1. Hi All. Rate traders, how would you go about balancing a steepening yield curve trade long ZQ short ZB?
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
  2. By "balancing" I mean calculating how the ratio of ZQ long to ZB short.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
  3. *calculating the ratio of ZQ long to ZB short.
  4. maxinger


    Hello killer.

    ZQ price 100, price per point 4200. total price 420K

    ZB price 160, price per point 1000. total price 160K

    so perhaps use
    ZQ : ZB as 1:3
    killATwill likes this.
  5. Thanks @maxinger

    Thinking the ratio needs to flip

    Maybe something like 4ZQ:1ZB

    Reasoning is ZB is much higher beta
  6. Beta is measured vs the market. What is the market here?

    I would use vol or duration. Both would give you about a 4:1 ratio once you've allowed for different contract size.

    killATwill likes this.
  7. If you really want to take this trade, use dv01. Current 30yr futures dv01 is $199.63. FF futures are always (except during expiry month) dv01 $41.67. So about a 4.8:1 ratio. The 30yr dv01 will change with price, CTD, etc., so you may want to adjust your ratio over the course of the trade.

    Rates trading is very dangerous for those who don't know what they are doing. If you fall into that category, you should skip this trade.
  8. maxinger


    upper chart ZQ-3ZB = -385

    lower chart 4ZQ-ZB = +232

    the spread has been going down for quite sometime.
    down momentum seems to have vanished.

    ZQ ZB.png
  9. bone


    You really don't want to trade Fed Funds versus the 30 year future. Do twos or fives to thirties, or one year duration Fed Funds vs fives.

    FF to 30's is just a monster convexity play that isn't practical - IMO you'd be MUCH better off just being long or short flat price instead of having on that particular spread. I mean - there's ten tics of slippage just in execution risk. And the hedge ratio is going to be so fluid that SPAN margin offsets are going to be minimal.

    Here's the CME Treasury Spreads page. Click on the spread ratios and trading codes tab, then select Dec 2019 .
    #10     Oct 11, 2019
    killATwill and Real Money like this.