SteadyOptions provides options education and trade ideas

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kim Klaiman, Aug 18, 2017.

  1. My name is Kim Klaiman. I have been actively involved in the financial markets since 2002, and became a full time options trader in 2012. I founded an options trading advisory service to share my trading experience and philosophy and to help people to become better traders.

    SteadyOption key features:

    • A full trading plan: the strategy, rationale, risk/reward, etc.
    • All trades shared in real time, including entry, exit and adjustments.
    • A complete portfolio approach, including capital allocation guidelines.
    • Full transparency. Performance based on real fills, not a hypothetical model.
    • High quality education, including core concepts, risk management, the Greeks.
    • Access to members only forum with hundreds of experienced traders.
    • Continuous learning and sharing resources, exploring different strategies.
    • Full access to us - ask us any questions about all aspects of options trading.
    Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to earning your business.
  2. truetype


    Are you mostly a premiumseller? "Steady Condors" looks to be short vol but "Stead Options" is unclear. Thanks.
  3. We do both premium selling and premium buying in SteadyOptions.

    Our specialty is pre-earnings straddles and calendars, but we also trade iron condors, butterflies, etc. We also trade VIX, VXX, SVXY, TLT etc.

    Here is description of the service and some of the strategies we implement:
    We offer a complete portfolio approach. We use a diversified approach by trading a mix of non-directional market neutral strategies and balancing the portfolio Greeks. In order to hedge our theta positive gamma negative trades (like Condors and Calendars), we will always have gamma positive trades like straddles or strangles.
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