Status of full time traders in France

Discussion in 'Hook Up' started by jrkob, May 31, 2007.

  1. jrkob


    I'm French but have been living all my career in Asia.
    For family reasons I am considering going back to France.

    What is your status for you guys who trade in France ?

    TNS ? (travailleur non salarie)
    TI ? (travailleur independant)

    I'm asking as this is fairly important to clear the status to get access to social security.

  2. oTzt


    Hi JrKob,

    I'm answering because I' be sad to see a compatriot left with no answer. But I actually am a salary man, hence, take my words for nothing more than just a starting point.

    The question seems to sum up to a fiscal question :
    Either you register as an individual, and you'll be taxed on your income basis (0% to 40%, depending on how much you earn in a year), or you create a company, and you'll be taxed on the companies taxes basis (33.33% after 38120 € 15% before).

    In both cases, if it's your main income source, you'll have to maintain a professional accounting, make all legal declarations, etc.

    (If you choose the "company" side, you'll be able to build a simple "EURL" (Entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limitée) in some simple steps (minimum starting capital = 1euro, a single shareholder is enougth, etc.).)

    You may find some informations and/or contacts by googling a little the web, like for example there :

    As for the social protection part : google returns many valuable answers :"protection+sociale"+tns&meta=

    I hope it helped a little, welcome back home,

    (Amusant de devoir écrire en anglais quand nous sommes tous deux francophones...)

  3. jrkob


    Olivier, thanks a lot for your answer.

    I went through the links your gave me and from one link to another, I seem to be able to confirm one thing: I'm not the only one wondering what's the status of full time traders in France ! The regulator isn't absolutely clear.

    I'm sending you a PM.
  4. Olivier, consider Montreal, Canada, if you have no specific reason to be in France... They offer significant tax benefits to people from abroad coming to Montreal to trade or set up trading venues.
  5. oTzt



    Thanks for the advice. Montreal and all other canadian places (not just french speaking ones) are certainly pleasant places to live in, no doubt, but I'm not at all considering leaving France (Maybe the OP would be interrested, but it's not me).
    And taxes are, saddly enough, really not my problem actually !
    Maybe someday... :D