Starting Trading!

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Charles G, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. Charles G

    Charles G

    What's up Peeps!

    Going to start trading since I have outsourced my online stores :) wish me luck and if you have any suggestions/tips please drop some below
    lawrence-lugar likes this.
  2. You should continue with your online stores. :)

    If not, what's your methodology or plan for profitable trading?
  3. Find your way. Master 2-3 Setups (Momentum, Mean Reversion). Understand the Conditions. Trade Demo first to Solve any Logical Problem. Then move live and Solve any Psychological Problem. Adapt to any Change. KISS. Good Luck !
  4. CyJackX


    Paper trade a system to see if you have an idea that even works.
    Then do it live, scaling up, to see if your emotions will get in the way.
  5. if i were you. i would look at lumber.
  6. comagnum


    Don't let the sharks scare you off- the market offers endless opportunities to those willing to put in the work and progress at a reasonable rate applying a consistent approach focused on a longer term approach of trading for a life time, as opposed to the many over leveraged, under capitalized casino mode gamblers looking for the pie in the sky immediately. The best tip I can give is to listen to these free interviews with successful traders, it is a gold mine of knowledge. May the force be with you. :D:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2016
  7. eurusdzn


    Methuselah became profitable in his 700th year. We should all strive for better.
    comagnum likes this.
  8. hashim121


    I have started the trade between Germany and America
  9. because i feel it below 10 and then again below 9 collect the dividend until march/april next year and sell it for aph.v ogi.v mjn.v acb.v.........100 shrs or 1000 shrs each...........booyaa......your rich.

    p.s. if you dont have rules and a somewhat kind of system that you go buy to trade .........dont do it until you do
  10. algofy


    This guy blow out already ?
    #10     Nov 17, 2016