Stanley Druckenmiller: The mother of all storms is coming

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Grandluxe, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. zdreg


    nobody knows the tipping point. you may not know even with hindsight.
    #11     Mar 1, 2013
  2. On CSpan, Alan Simpson has been pretty definitive.
    #12     Mar 1, 2013
  3. deucy28


    Mar 5, 2013 (Tuesday).... last week:

    CNBC Squawk Box

    Here is a series of video clips on that show of Stanley Druckenmiller's latest.

    Definitely bomb shelter material. He is insistent the big one is coming by manner of either bust or inflation.

    With big ones of the magnitude he is describing, won't we get both ? John Mauldin ("End Game") says on his lecture circuit it is the most frequently asked question put to him: Which will be first ..... Bust or hyper-inflation ? His answer: "YES !" Then goes on to say he can see us on a knife's edge when there is a tipping point, and we can fall on the bust side or the inflation side.


    On the same show last week was Kevin Warsh, recent federal Reserve governor, who essentially said we were headed down the path (my understanding of him) toward Druckenmiller's prediction. A series of clips of his statements from that show:

    Warsh....... warsh
    #13     Mar 11, 2013
  4. 4 years of gurus warning (screaming) of a QE hyperinflation collapse never occured

    Secret to millions must be to trade opposite of doomsday gurus (especially when they display absolute conviction) then when they capitulate and go long it's time to dump and go short
    #14     Mar 11, 2013
  5. Stanley and Carl Icahn could duke it out on a " Cnbc Smackdown " segment.
    #15     Mar 11, 2013
  6. clacy


    I feel like this market will beat a few more perma-bears into submission and before it tuns really ugly
    #16     Mar 11, 2013
  7. jem


    All I can say is the Fed has already engineered and incredible real estate recovery.

    The engineering was almost perfect..

    Instead of having every upside down property dumped on the market at once.

    They gummed up the works with very slow short sales and very few really good loan mods.

    They lowered rates making homes far more affordable.

    They gave people 97 percent loans.

    They engineered tax credits at the nadir.
    And now... its looking to me like they are going to have to hold back price appreciation to avoid a bubble.

    I have learned to never underestimate the power of the Fed.
    They did an unbelievable job prevent the collapse of real estate.
    #17     Mar 11, 2013
  8. John Mauldin is no more prescient than any other pundit. He started a paid newsletter called "Yield Shark" late last year with a pick or two each month. He's done ok with the market rally, but PSN on the TSX was humiliating. They can hide behind their stop loss, which was triggered, but in the end the team saw great things ahead for PSN. It was recommended above $13 in late October and now sits at 27 cents. No I did not ride it down.

    Anyone wondering how Peter Schiff would be doing if he had verifiable results, take a look at Eric Sprott's flagship fund. 50% off his high with a 5 year return of -11% per year.

    Nothing against these guys. I'm just illustrating that these "stars" whether bull or bear should be ignored completely. I won't even bother looking up Druckenmiller.

    Saying that the situation is unsustainable is a "no shit" analysis. They have no clue how it will actually play out, which is the only thing that matters.
    #18     Mar 11, 2013
  9. We're simply going to have years of economic difficulties. It's amazing that we're doing as well as we are. Technology is going to keep on bringing change. I'm guessing that 3D printing will be an unbelievable game changer. People are advancing the state of the art in that field at a rapid pace. Yesterday a company announced a 3D capture program, you show the computer the object, it captures it in great detail in 3D and your printer can then make one.. or a thousand.. What happens to manufacturing when we can go online and pay for the rights to a design then make one? A very large portion of the population is going to have to live off the safety net on a permanent basis, no? They should be growing their own food. I'd change welfare to demand that people grow some food and supply them with a plot for a Square Foot Garden. That would lead to a lot healthier ghetto and would reduce the burden on the welfare funds.
    #19     Mar 11, 2013
  10. You guys need to wake up!!!!! haha.

    You know the media is manipulated. You know big money lies to make more money. You know we will never know the truth. You know guys get on TV or in the news somehow to either talk their position or attract liquidity.

    Druckenmiller is a billionaire for a reason, and it's not because he is fully transparent.

    So what he is really saying, "Thanks for selling because I told you to. I needed to add to my long position."

    When will you sheep learn???
    #20     Mar 11, 2013