Stalin's Jews

Discussion in 'Politics' started by PLATO2, Dec 25, 2006.

  1. Describing Hitler as anti-communist is like describing Ted Bundy as anti-redhead.

    btw... that was a weak apology for Hitler ('it wasn't personal, sometimes you just gotta be there', indeed). Do you keep your camp photos on a separate computer?
    #11     Jan 1, 2007
  2. just another jealous anti-Semite who knows he will never be able to compete with the Jews.

    Your race is already lost. Too bad you gave away your opportunities in life.

    The Jews win - you lose.

    End of story.
    #12     Jan 1, 2007
  3. Interesting debate. But the question is why are the Jews hated? Why throughout history have they been hated despite their advancements and contributions to societies? It certainly warrants research to find that common thread.
    #13     Jan 1, 2007
  4. I know it seems hard to understand, but I really think this is accurate

    It's pretty easy to figure out why Jews are hated in modern times. It must be in part because of their disproportionate accomplishments. It's like the 'brainer' in high school - there is a certain class of individual who feels threatened by the accomplishments which they know will never be theirs, and they express their fear as hatred.

    There may have been some semi-intelligent Anti-Semites in pre-modern times but nowadays they are the type you see here - intellectually challenged would be a kind way of putting it. Moron nutbags would be another.
    #14     Jan 1, 2007
  5. Cesko


    CRAP. Yes they are smarter,accomplishments yes but!!!
    The notion that they are being hated for just being Jews, what a crap.
    If you asked anybody from old generation in Eastern, Central Europe they would tell you specifically why.
    It comes down to this:
    Lust for power,money and being more ruthless and efficient to get it. (Think Rotschild.)
    And in EE it may have as well started with Jews being the main suppliers of Slavic slaves to Otoman Turks.(Thomas Sowell)
    Think of George Soros, any time he opens his shitty mouth he asks for being hated. First he makes his money (forex!!) then he starts up his crap about need for world government and regulated forex. First he makes shitload of money because Brittish goverment(Central Bank) is full of idiots then bitches about Bush not willing to defend $$$ thus not giving him the opportunity to do it again.Scum,Scum,Scum.
    #15     Jan 1, 2007
  6. I'll give an where I live has the highest concentration of Hassidic Jews in Australia.
    A Chinese shop started to make and sell bagels for $1.00 each
    undercutting the Jewish bakeries by 20 cents per bagel.
    At the same time ALL 15 of the Jewish bakeries dropped their price to 50 cents per bagel (at the same time!)
    The Chinese complained to the Competition Commission. When they (Jewish bakeries) were subsequently investigated an offer of a bribe was made on behalf of the Jewish bakeries (rejected).

    I would cite a reference but it would identify me because I assisted in the investigation of the Jewish bakeries.

    An example of fair business practices? I don't think so.

    I see the same type of thing on a larger scale in Australia, particularly in the finance sector.
    #16     Jan 1, 2007
  7. How about the Roma (gypsies), mentally handicapped, and homosexuals? Did Hitler murder them en masse because they were communists too?
    #17     Jan 1, 2007
  8. Take <b>any</b> small minority group with a different religion & different manner of dress than the majority. This is <b>usually</b> a universal recipe for hatred, nothing exclusive to the Jews.
    #18     Jan 1, 2007
  9. Apparently in the Talmud Jesus is boiling in hot semen in hell (Gittin 57a)
    In the Talmud also Jesus is concieved of a menstruating prostitute.

    (I'll get back to you regarding where in the Talmud this is found)

    I think the Jews should go easy on the insults to Jesus IMHO
    #19     Jan 1, 2007
  10. georgie


    "jews" (atheist russians and poles) are becoming increasingly more ridiculous and easy to identify.
    #20     Jan 1, 2007