Stalin Would Have Been Proud

Discussion in 'Politics' started by JamesL, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Lucrum


    Sounds like a worthwhile plan. I'll be pleasantly surprised if Romney has the stones to implement anything like it though.
    #21     Aug 7, 2012
  2. hughb


    Whether or not AAA thinks Obama is a radical or not is irrelevant. What does matter is a superPAC ad playing audio of Jerimiah Wright's "GODDAMN AMERICA" speech with a photo of Obama and Wright arm in arm. Attack ads work, and an ad like that would not only energize the Republican base, it could cost Obama a few of his supporters who are right now on the fence. Another attack ad of Michelle Obama's finally being proud of America is another arrow in the radical quiver the superPACs could shoot as well.
    #22     Aug 7, 2012
  3. Lucrum


    And your messiah Obama lies constantly yet you have no problem with or even comment on it.
    #23     Aug 7, 2012
  4. man is there something wrong with you upstairs? you can say that with a straight face after what people like you birthers did to obama?
    #24     Aug 7, 2012
  5. pspr


    I honestly think he has one there since Hawaii doesn't require that you be born in Hawaii to get one. His Kenya birth records were sealed by the Kenyan government.
    #25     Aug 7, 2012
  6. wjk


    I always hear that the rich get that way on the backs of the poor. I hear that a lot from the left. You want to think about that one for a while?

    Most of the politicians on the left are as wealthy as those on the right. Did they get rich on the backs of the poor? I think they should prove otherwise.
    #26     Aug 7, 2012
  7. you guys have been running those for 4 years straight and obama is still leading. how is that working out for you.
    maybe its time to start coming up with solutions to solve problems in america.
    #27     Aug 7, 2012
  8. lol. rational thinking is not one of your strong points is it?
    #28     Aug 7, 2012
  9. No, the whole point is that McCain and the establishment republicans in general seemed to be terrified of calling Obama out. Even now they can't even criticze him for playing golf over 100 times while our economy circles the drain.

    I also question that "Obama is leading." Anyone who has studied presidential elections knows he is in deep trouble. His approval rating is <50%, unemployment is at least 8%, he is not pulling in as much money as his opponent, economic sentiment polls are in the toilet, etc. Lots of red flags for an incumbent.

    Finally, Romney doesn't have to come up with solutions. In fact, that's exactly the wrong strategy. He should make the election a referendum on Obama, not a choice between competing plans. He just needs for people to be comfortable with the idea of him running things, which they already are.
    #29     Aug 7, 2012
  10. hughb


    This is why I say if Romney attacks, he wins. If he doesn't, he loses. He doesn't even have to endorse the vicious attacks, he can just say it's a super PAC gone wild, (as long as the super PAC knows to keep running the ads).
    #30     Aug 7, 2012