Since you will be able to trade ssf's in your stock account will they also be subject to the pdt rule?
Anyone know if you will be able to trade SSF's in an IB stock account? Or will you have to have a separate futures account?
Where are they going to trade? Under the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, SSFs are supposed to be treated as securities at least as far as the application of the SEC's margin rules, etc. A few SSFs trade on European futures exchanges I believe, but I haven't seen anything about where/if they'd trade in the US. Or whether it's likely there'll be any significant volume. But if they trade on a futures exchange, you'd think they'd have to be traded in a futures account rather than an equity account.
I've also heard SSF's will be taxed as stocks and not under the advantageous 60/40 futures blend. Preliminary "exchanges" are 1. A joint electronic venture between the NASD and the LIFFE 2. A conglomerate of the CBOE, CBOT, and CME called Chicago somethingorother which would trade electronically 3. Floor traded on the AMEX (like those guys need another license to steal)
PFG BestDirect already has simulated trading on SSF's. I guess they base the trading on the European market... So, at this moment, there are already traders practicing...