SSD Configuration for Dummies

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by tortoise, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. tortoise


    Ok, I'm confused.

    I have an SSD C: drive and spinning platter D: drive

    Do I run my trading software of the C: drive and have it store data on the D: drive? Or does that undermine the lightning fast I/O advantage of the SSD?

    Specifically, might anyone here offer some guidance on how to configure TradeStation and/or MultiCharts and/or IB TWS for such arrangement?

    Many thanks...
  2. Bob111


    i guess that's depends. you want PC\OS work faster and your applications or faster access to data? i never tested SSD for something like insert\open\read\close files with data,but 10K HD works very well for this particular task.
  3. tortoise


    I dunno. What do I want? Somebody tell me! I'm a no-nothing when it comes to gear...and, frankly, the first half of your second sentence kinda lost me.
  4. Bob111


    ---Do I run my trading software of the C: drive and have it store data on the D: drive?---

    go for it! TWS and other apps on C. all data on D

    there is nothing to configure in TWS. only directory,where it's going to be installed. that's it
  5. tortoise


    Ok, two questions:

    1) How?

    2) Really?
  6. NoBias


    Separate Drives or partitioning larger drives to separate Data from OP System/program files is common. Many take it one step further and have separate drives for each data type, documents, photos, Videos etc...

    Operating System and Program files on your "C" Drive with Data files on your "D" drive is a common configuration.

    Windows 7 uses Library's. Moving your primary libraries over the D Drive is relatively straightforward. This makes storing data on your "D" drive intuitive.

    Here is a good guide on configuring Windows 7, it explains how to move library's

    I suggest moving your primary Library's "My Document", "My Pictures". "My Videos", "My Downloads" over to your "D" Drive.

    If you use Google Drive or DropBox, install their respective folders on the "D" Drive as well..

    I leave IB-TWS on the "C" drive
    I leave Button Trader on the "C" drive
    I leave Multi Charts on the "C" drive
    I leave Tradestation on the "C" drive

    However, I do create folders for Desktops and Workspaces in My documents on the "D" Drive for Tradestation and Multi-charts.

    Read the guide carefully before you change anything. Not everything needs be tweaked... Customizing start menus, task bars and moving library's, you will be fine.

    If this system is Windows 8, not sure on configuration. As I pulled Win8 of my systems within hours of installing it. In any event, here is a Win8 tweak guide for reference.

    SSD configuration is basically the same as a conventional drive, just keep in mind that you do not want to disk defrag SSD's.
  7. tortoise


    Really helpful. Thanks! I have already moved "Library" categories over to D: drive. Does this mean data from TS. MC, etc. automatically migrates to D: drive as well? I was under the impression that these programs stored price data in a file categorized under the "Programs" directory. Am I mistaken?
  8. NoBias


    I don't move any files from TS, IB-TWS, or MC over to the "D"-Data drive. I only save my Workspaces, Desktops and .elds in the "D" drive.

    If you need to delete and restore the program, the raw price data is automatically replaced by "backfilling" charts. So your impression is correct to leave that alone.

    Now, you may have configured workspaces with multiple charts and have various annotations, research etc... along with some custom .elds, these you may want to protect, hence, the suggestion to store those in "D" drive. That way, if you need to reformat the "C" drive or uninstall/reinstall a program your workspaces and .elds are intact.

    If you use multiple computers you could even store your workspaces in a Google Drive or Dropbox folder. That is were I store my working charts. I keep a copy of my primary Workspaces locally as a weekly backup. Then depending what system I am using I open the Google Drive charts and have my current annotations. I just make sure not to have multiple instances of TS or MC running to avoid and conflicts, but even if I do. I just replace the conflicted workspaces with my backup, Voila... back in business.

    Tip: once you have setup your TS and MC workspaces with any custom/modified .elds "export" your those custom/modified .elds to a folder on the "D" drive. Then upon fresh re-install you can import them back in.

    Tip2: With Tradestation, you may or may not be aware of multi core capabilities.... to enable: View/Chart analysis preference/General-CPU settings = enable
  9. tortoise


    So helpful! Thank you! Question: I'm a little unclear on the mechanics of how to get TradeStation to save/retrieve .ELDs to the D: drive. Right now it all happens under the penumbra of the "Programs" folder which is on the C: drive. Do I just move the subfolder of the "programs" folder with the .elds over to the D: drive and TradeStation will "know" what to do? Thanks again
  10. FWIW...

    I find the hassle of multiple drives to outweigh any potential advantages. Breaking your stuff up into multiple virtual drives creates the problem of having to make backup for each drive/partition, one way or another. (And if you've got 1-4TB of stored movies on your trading machine, you're just asking for backup/maintenance hassle... multiple partitions or not.)

    If you've got TONS of data, you might want to keep that on a separate drive... though you'd still need to have backups of your OS drive and your Data drive, separately.

    I have only about 200MB of data I store, so I keep everything on one drive and make a couple of backup images of that... using Acronis.
    #10     Jan 23, 2013