Spydertrader's Futures thread

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by bundlemaker, Nov 6, 2007.

  1. Roman A


    Have we met somewhere in the past?I kind a like you! :D
    #41     Dec 5, 2007
  2. Yes, I agree with you, we deserve success and some of us are celebrating our success! AND it feels sooooooooooo good:D

    I feel sorry for people who walk around with their EYES closed and miss the good things in life! :p
    #42     Dec 5, 2007
  3. Unlike yourself, I have only ever posted to this web site under my current username. Funny, a criterion which you cannot even meet, you now use to judge others.


    Dude, every time you hit the enter key, you dig a deeper hole. I see now why you allow my posts to irritate you. It's becuase a service which I do for free, you do as a business. Nothing wrong with trying to earn a dollar, but to wrap oneselve in the blanket of 'protecting the little guy' all the while, fleecing the unsuspecting for cash, sounds someone slimey. Wouldn't you agree?

    So come on now. Instead of running your mouth, dial up those regulatory agencies and we will see what is what.

    In fact, instead of waiting on you, maybe I should forward on a few of your posts.

    - Spydertrader
    #43     Dec 5, 2007
  4. Joab



    I've seen you struggle for years from one guru to another and that's the normal route for most traders.

    It doesn't surprise me that you have run into another dead end and I think I can help you.

    Stop expecting these guru's to tell you what to do !!!

    It's that simple !

    Sit down and just watch the market for 6 months with nothing but price across multiple time frames.

    Build a model on your own and then define it.

    Then if you want to add some of the tools that you've learned from these guru's do so one at a time.

    YOU have to figure out your edge and then find the tools that support it.

    Best of trades to you. :)
    #44     Dec 5, 2007
  5. Tums


    if you can draw your channels,
    if you can lay your gaussians,
    the ftt and pt3 should fall in place by themselves.
    you should be rolling in the bucks by the buckets. why the frick do you need to see a video or live trading?

    do you have an addiction to DVD ??? LOL

    I think Mak meant this post for you.
    #45     Dec 5, 2007

  6. Isn't this the bottom line folks?

    What spyder is providing is FREE! Let me say it again, FREE!

    We got a guy here thats charging arguing with a guy thats providing something for nothing (except your time if you choose).

    What is wrong with this picture.

    I've never seen anybody put this much time and effort into teaching people a method of trading. Guys that CHARGE dont even put this much effort into it.
    #46     Dec 5, 2007
  7. Tums


    because your charts look like shxt. People were not ridiculing you, they were giving you honest to goodness feedbacks, and you treat them like shxt.

    Where then is the problem ?
    Don't tell me, I know, it is the missing live demo. Like, the live demo will miraculously turn a failure into a success. The live demo will answer all your questions. The live demo will give your chart that missing 2% to make it 100% like Spyder's.

    Sorry to tell you, you are not ready for the live demo yet. The demo will fly over your head before you knew it has begun. It will not answer your questions, only to send you back the the drawing board -- i.e. page 1.
    #47     Dec 6, 2007
  8. Tums


    I can see your problem right there. You don't know your gaussians from your a$$. How can anybody not be able to read a properly drawn gaussian graph ?!?!?! You might be naive, but you ain't stupid. Stop pretending. Go back to page one and start again. You still have time.
    #48     Dec 6, 2007
  9. Tums


    I wonder who in the World is concerned if Spyder is getting slaughtered ?

    a) people who are learning the method
    b) people who are not learning the method


    hint: people who are learning the method are vouching the validity of the method by themselves. They can make their own evidence and decide on their own conclusion (one way or the other). They don't need a video, blotter, or audited statement.
    #49     Dec 6, 2007
  10. Tums


    #50     Dec 6, 2007