Spydertrader - lay it on the line

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by traderdragon2, May 20, 2007.

  1. bighog

    bighog Guest

    Jack can not provide any proof because there is none. I venture to guess that spy uses the pointer to review tapes of trading after the fact, not live.

    Spy and Jack need to prove us doubters wrong. they fail to do that in a positive way, Why?

    I have also been down that road with doubters before and have not provided proof of my trading skills. Why not? Because i have nothing to prove to anyone but myself. Jack and spy claim ridiculous trading that any real trader knows is impossible in the real world. There is proof in the pudding as they say....Where is the PUDDING?

    Watch the cabana boys within the flock come to their rescue. .. :D
    #11     May 21, 2007
  2. Tums


    <img src="http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/attachment.php?s=&postid=1475067">
    #12     May 21, 2007
  3. BSAM


    What is "profundity"? Is that anything like a mutual fund?
    #13     May 21, 2007
  4. An odd bit of Pretzel Logic you've posted here, Hognitis.

    Especially, when you follow it with the next gem ...

    Step away from the crack pipe, dude. Seriously, seek help for this obsession you have.

    - Spydertrader
    #14     May 21, 2007
  5. Hilarious. :D :D :D

    - Spydertrader
    #15     May 21, 2007
  6. nkhoi


    he's good looking for sure but no I haven't been to his house.
    ps. I mean Baron.
    #16     May 21, 2007
  7. He is a handsome gent!

    #17     May 21, 2007
  8. Although some very rich guys dont show it, there is a solid correlation between being a 100+ millionare and showing wealth.

    Jack could be one of these guys, and simply not show his wealth, but its not likely, especially when you reach an age that you are running out of time to do something with your money.

    Someone who claims the kinds of returns he claims to have should probably be a billionaire by now. Imagine a billionaire living in an average home (by san diego standards), sitting on that pile of cash and taking it to the grave. Doesnt make any sense. In fact, its just stupid.

    I would expect some late life extravagance, at least a 100 million dollar donation to some charity that would make the news.

    So in the end, we still have zero proof Jack can trade the way he claims. His lifestyle certainly doesnt give us any hints.

    Just smells cultish to me.
    #18     May 22, 2007
  9. You people are all crazy...My in laws are now multi millionaires because of all the stock he got at IBM over a 30 year career, their home values and they just sold their 60k trailer on the beach ( briney Breezes) to a developer and their share will be about 1.2 million by next April.....yet they liver VERY modest, drive a subaru and are looking for a small cottage in Delray....and they make me pay for dinner everytime we go out :mad: :mad:

    to young people ( say 45 and under) the size of house means a lot...to retirees...smaller means less work, hassles , maintenance...
    #19     May 22, 2007
  10. A couple of observations, if I may. I think that people tend to communicate in pretty much the same way that they choose to live their lives. One typically reflects the other. Let us consider two extreme examples for the purposes of clarification.

    Warren Buffet is one of the country's richest men but he lives rather modestly compared to his contemporaries. You will also note that he speaks with little or no hubris. For a man of his enormous wealth, he is comparatively modest and low-profile.

    On the other hand, there is Donald Trump. While rich, he comes nowhere close to Buffet's financial wattage. Trump lives lavishly and grandly. Not surprisingly, he is quite full of himself and his hubris would come across even if he were wearing a plaid shirt, overalls and pig farm boots. Stated differently, the way he communicates with others is a fairly accurate reflection of how he lives his life. Of course, this observation on my part is just a rule of thumb. But I think it is a fairly valid one. It may not apply to everyone, but it is a good benchmark.

    And then we have Jack Hershey. To date, he has yet to present himself as modest. His conduct at ET leaves little doubt how he views anyone who does not agree with everything he has to convey. You are either on his side or you are on the wrong side. There is no middle ground. I can only imagine the opulence he must surround himself in...right? I suppose that only those who have rubbed shoulders with him would know for certain.
    #20     May 22, 2007