SPX 1425 or 1275?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Emini_Elvis, Jan 30, 2008.

S&P 500 Cash 1425 or 1275

  1. I'm a Bull 1425

    20 vote(s)
  2. I'm a Bear 1275

    26 vote(s)
  1. What price area will the S&P500 visit first?

  2. At the pace they're moving right now, i'd say the range is 1355 to 1360 :D
  3. bat1


    up bottomed here:cool:
  4. :cool:
  5. Will go to 1250 then 1425 then back to 1275 before it goes back to 1390. That's how logical this market is.
  6. I think you screwed up your poll. You probably intended a +/- 50 range. Instead, your choices are either +100 or -50. Given that, statistically speaking, everyone should choose the -50, or choice B.

  7. Good point. :)

    An argument could also be made that with enough time... 1425 is certain.

    Should have added a third voting option... Polls are useless :D