Spx 1400

Discussion in 'Trading' started by nonlinear5, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. My argument is not flawed one bit. You either do not understand how to analyze fundamentals or refuse to acknowledge the true picture by living in your fantasy world. I don't set out to be "right", which is precisely why I manage my risk. I set out to make educated decisions based on current information to best align myself for the most likely outcome. If and when the market turns around, it will be because of improving fundamentals, not because you were "right". Because frankly, right now there is very little that is "good" with the economy. Now, if in 3 months, we are consistently seeing job growth and decent economic growth, then perhaps the economy will be primed for a turn around. But don't sit there and act like you knew all along that is a for sure event, because again, fundamentally, the economy is in rough shape right now at this point.

    btw...how long have you been in the market trading/investing? What is your education on finance? What is your experience? You are constantly trumpeting but I never see any substance. If you are as skilled as you claim to be, put more meat into your analysis and let us know your experience.
    #11     Apr 25, 2008

  2. The Market does not cares about bad news anymore.Its actually punishing doom and gloom club for its ever present pessimism.

    Todays terrible housing data on new homes vanished like summer fog.
    #12     Apr 25, 2008

  3. The Fundamentals are not that bad. Economic contraction was met head on by massive rate cuts. In fat too many rate cuts, since it saturated and flooded our economic life and screwed our dollar. The Feds should stop cutting rates now, enough already for this small hiccup. There is so much money floating around it will take almost a year to absorb all of this.

    The market is doing fine, it needs to punish shorts and kill them. These rats will be killed by the plague they spread.
    #13     Apr 25, 2008
  4. You can see from this long term 10 year chart of the S&P500, once the 40 week moving average bearishly crosses under the 80 week moving average, the 40wma becomes overhead resistance and it usually continues as overhead resistance for 1 to 2 years.
    You can look back for a couple of decades and find this to be reasonably accurate.
    #14     Apr 25, 2008
  5. tradestrong, why do you waste time argue with those 2?
    #15     Apr 25, 2008
  6. Step #1 completed, right on schedule.
    #16     Apr 28, 2008
  7. We'll probably get one or two more cuts.
    #17     Apr 28, 2008

  8. Stock Trader have you noticed there are too many Bears on the ET forums?
    #18     Apr 28, 2008
  9. Its been that way since I joined
    #19     Apr 28, 2008
  10. If everything is so peachy out there right now stock, why should the fed continue to cut? I think they may be a tad bit more worried about the inflation they are creating than maybe you or your evil twin....And to answer the question about too many "bearish" people on here...This is a site for traders, nobody I know classifies themselves as "bulls" or "bears". I think you 2 think that anyone who doesn't agree with your uber bullish ( I don't quote it here, because you 2 are bullish....You don't sell anything, ever, and you have no clue how to trade in a down mkt) all day every day. If thats the way you want to maximize your potential to make money who cares? The other one (not you stock, as much anyway) who hopes that shorts burn in hell? Well lets just say, the market has its own way with dealing with one way investors..If he even has a real money account. Ok you 2 can go back to posting about how much "money" you are making.
    #20     Apr 28, 2008