I just installed Qcharts 4.1 and from the help file, it doesn't seem that you can do spread charts or baskets. Is this true, or is there a way to do it that isn't covered in the help file? Seems like a pretty basic feature of a charting package. Thanks, Corey
I have no idea about baskets.....but for spreads....u take one symbol and subtract the other........for example the euro spread for the sept-dec would be edu2 -edz2 and i think you have to have a space before the minus sign.....hope this helps
"it doesn't seem that you can do spread charts or baskets. Is this true, or is there a way to do it that isn't covered in the help file? Seems like a pretty basic feature of a charting package." Corey, could you tell me which other software you've come across that does charting of baskets? I've been looking for this feature myself but haven't found it yet. Thanks, IndexTrader
I used FirstAlert for creating baskets. Mostly it was to track a sector that didn't have an exchange traded index, such as homebuilders or auto parts makers. You could make them price or capitalization weighted. For spreads, I need to be able to include a ratio or cash component, like you would find in a merger.