SpreadProfessor Clients - Thanks !

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by bone, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. convexx


    My mom is already on the record.
    #151     Sep 27, 2014
  2. bone


    After doing this for 20 years I know someone at just about every prop trading firm and FCM. That opinion could have come from God and you would have treated it just the same.

    For that matter, people hire firms or experts and pay them for third party opinions. You wouldn't agree with that either, of course.

    Please take Patrick in and support him and fund a trading account for him. Be a humanitarian.
    #152     Sep 27, 2014
  3. FXforex


    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
    #153     Sep 28, 2014
  4. May I suggest that :
    * Patrick opens a business as also a spread trading teacher.
    * Obviously, he might starts charging 1000$, and with experience and customer list improves the fees.

    So that, he will have a chance tyo understand the 'educator business' side of the industry,
    widen the number of companis providing such training,
    and make good use of his 5+ years of - as he is implying- unsuccessful trading.

    Feel free to pm your new business address
    #154     Sep 28, 2014
    bone likes this.
  5. bone


    No he can't, shit-for-brains. Once again, you are the arbiter of all things if if someone disagrees with you they are automatically wrong. And you have no problems telling Baron to pack sand, apparently.

    Patrick is in direct violation of Term 4 of our Contract Intellectual Use and Custody Agreement. This includes the retransmission or publication of any information or content provided by the Consultant to the Client in any manner without the express written consent of the Client.

    Convexx, since there was an existing Privacy agreement in place regarding my emails to clients, there was an implied copyright protection in place and you are in direct violation of Title 17 of the United States Code Chapter 5. You could get hit for actual damages, or in some cases statutory damages of up to $150,000 per infringement. Same goes for Patrick - you'll be broke for the rest of your miserable life with liens hanging over your head. Not a good way to live.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2019
    #155     Sep 28, 2014
    convexx likes this.
  6. Bone,

    I don't really like the bashing "educators" get - I spent a LOT of money with "educators" and I have now a broader perspective of the "trader training industry".

    It seems to me you handled the complaints and criticisms badly.
    You will always have good customers, and bad customers. Sometimes,
    if a "bad customer" tells you what he wants to leave you alone, sometimes
    it is best to just give what the person wants with no comments.
    The guy was very unhappy with the training he received and asked for 5k
    back : IF you had given him back the 5k and apologized that you did not know
    how to best deal with him, then today - FIVE years later- you will not have someone
    willing to provide experience that sounds extremely negative.

    Also, you are putting online someone full name : what do you think that says about you ?
    you are now puting out legal threats : the truth is trading knowledge old of 5 years
    can be sold easily without any law infringement. He can just out a list of books, websites and
    articles to read , and that's your course out for may be even less than 100$. What would
    you then do ? which agency will you call to complain that a list of books and articles about spread trading
    was put out?

    Please sort it out. The guy asked 5k : give him 10k, apologize for being "inconsiderate"
    and add some councelling as well ( throw 2k for a good psy for him), to 'repair' any emotional
    trauma he went linked to your incapacity in listening to him well.
    PEACE and harmony are important.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
    #156     Sep 28, 2014
    EdgeHunter and LuckyTrade like this.
  7. convexx


    Ummm. I see no agreement and I am not your client. Thank all that is holy. Are you a Sovereign Citizen per chance?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2019
    #157     Sep 28, 2014
  8. bone


    An email from Patrick, aka "Stereo 70" dated 09/12/12:

    ( And I quote with absolutely no editing or redaction )


    I'm beyond embarrassed to ask this but I'm almost broke and more
    depressed than I've been in my entire life.

    I hold you in high esteem and know that I alone completely fucked my
    life up. I just don't know what to do: my 5 securites licenses have
    expired, my old boss is no longer a boss, and I haven't been able to
    land a job. I've sold most of what I can - car, stereo, all my
    records, etc.

    The IRS took some of my money over the winter due to a tax situation
    from 2003. That was debilitating.

    I don't think I'm cut out to be an independent trader and my
    confidence/self-esteem is about zero right now. I've been going to
    therapy which I hate, but it's helped some.

    So I'm asking if it's remotely possible for you to return some/all of
    my fee as I don't have many resources left. Both my parents have
    passed and I don't have family nearby.

    At age 43 I am really scared, probably for the first time in my adult life.

    Please accept my advance apology for putting you in this awkward
    position. You've been nothing but professional, reliable, and helpful
    while I seemingly jerked off.
    My lessons have been quite expensive
    both emotionally and financially.

    Regardless of your decision, thank you.


    My point being, let's just call this for what it is: a former client, desperate for money, who has leveraged and played Convexx's anger and personal agenda against me to shake me down for some money. And I have lots of emails and Skype IM's where there is absolutely no evidence that Patrick holds me accountable for his trading losses or his situation. Again, I can only control myself, and I have no control over what choices a client makes live trading, and I have no control over a client's decision to completely ignore my advice about live trading too soon and not doing the hard work to learn what the mentor was teaching before he put real money at risk.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2019
    #158     Sep 28, 2014
  9. bone


    Here's another email dated 03/21/13, from Patrick ( stereo 70 ) entitled:

    ( And I quote with absolutely no editing or redaction )

    Pulled my head out of my ass I think


    I've moved to NYC and would like to trade if I can find a place. I
    could use some help. Would you be willing to call me and talk about
    some of this?

    #159     Sep 28, 2014
  10. Just shows that it is always important of finding out FACTS FACTS FACTS.

    Bone, I assume you are doing very well financially.
    So be the "bigger person" , and make sure the guy first does a 10-days
    www.dhamma.org ( free) before you send him 5k back , in 500$/month for 10 months
    as well as 200$/month of clinical psychiatric help.

    You never know what the future has in store. Just be the bigger person.
    #160     Sep 28, 2014
    bone likes this.