SpreadProfessor Clients - Thanks !

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by bone, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. convexx


    You edited this out in it's entirety:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/b9x8y9frbz5nlm5/bone threat.png?dl=0

    And threatened to post information from Patrick/stereo70 "private life" and in the next breath stated I was breaking the law for posting the email excerpt from you and Agate. Worse, your attempt is termed extortion. I am superfast with the screen-grabs, Bro.
    #141     Sep 27, 2014
  2. bone


    Convexx, it would be so much easier for you to get your own third party opinion. Ask a friend if you have one.
    #142     Sep 27, 2014
  3. bone


    Absolutely - if Patrick wants to forward to you private emails not addressed to you to publicly post illegally then Patrick has opened that door and it swings both ways.

    Where's your third party opinion ? It can be a buddy at an FCM if he has experience with prop firm statements.

    BTW, those emails show that everybody seems to happy and making hay with the exception of Patrick. Revealing.
    #143     Sep 27, 2014
  4. convexx


    Bro! You know that his opinion in meaningless... meaningless to everyone except the regulators. I don't need to ask my mom. I know the debit is not causal to PNL. It's.... meaningless.
    #144     Sep 27, 2014
  5. convexx


    The email was forwarded to stereo70. He can do with it as he pleases as long as there is no boilerplate on the email strictly forbidding it's dissemination. Even then, there is no cause.
    #145     Sep 27, 2014
  6. bone


    Patrick, this smear business is the most focused work I've ever seen out of you. Nice to see you finally put in some effort.
    #146     Sep 27, 2014
  7. bone


    that sounds about as legally convincing as your " nfa" threats.
    #147     Sep 27, 2014
  8. bone


    i would not have published the statement if I wasn't positive that Advantage could verify the account profit under subpoena.

    Go ahead and get one of your buddies to provide an opinion.
    #148     Sep 27, 2014
  9. bone


    Convexx, if you're such the concerned and righteous humanitarian - why don't you take Patrick in and help him out? Give him room and board and expense money and seed a trading account for him. It already sounds like you two are very close.
    #149     Sep 27, 2014
  10. convexx


    You report a $486K debit as PNL and controversy ensues as anyone with a brain can see that it in no way expresses a gain in the account.

    You frantically change the material information pertaining to stated-run on your website a dozen times in the last month to cover your tracks... all immortalized by God (Google cache).

    You have a buddy lie for you publicly as a "third party verification" that the $486K debit magically represents you had gains of $486K in 2006!

    You threaten stereo70 that you will expose his personal life here on ET due to my posts. Then you threaten me with legal action when I post an email that was forwarded to stereo70.

    This is gone full-tilt surreal.
    #150     Sep 27, 2014