Spread Charting

Discussion in 'Financial Futures' started by Don't Pass Bet, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Handle123


    One of the reasons that Spreads have always been a silent ATM is the lack of material on them. Generally, most of the old timers in the pits made most of their wealth doing spreads, as they knew what the extremes were during the 12 months of the year between the different contract months. Always closely guarded materials.

    I really doubt even after so much has been written about trading, that anyone that can trade spreads well enough, would be dumb enough to produce a book cheap. Just cause you write a book on trading, it is not like you going to make a ton of money on it. You make it too cheap, the masses will have it and it will stop working.

    I have spent three years testing out spread combos and have learned a great deal, but no way would I part with the information.


    There are books on getting in on one date and out on another, but I lack believe this has ever actually worked well over the long term.

    Hard work, lots of backtesting is required in anything dealing with money.
    #11     Sep 13, 2012