Is anyone interested in website, where visitors can test any of their strategies? Is anyone interested in website, where you can build intraday search based on your criteriaâs? Like in optionvue, but free? Please visit my first project @ Where else you can find stocks with high,low IV intraday? Currently I work on search, which allow you scan stocks for IV skew. i have a huge database with IV,HV, Open interest ....etc on all US stock for number of month...Just dont have a space, to put it on web... Iâm looking for partner or sponsor, who can provide some help in options world and hosting services. If you interested-please contact me!
I looked at the sites' math - Step one is "calculate: today's close - previous close" Step two is to "Calculate the natural log of the results calculated in STEP 1." Since the close - prev close can be a negative number, I think perhaps you mean to say "Calculate the natural log of the absolute value of the result calculated in STEP 1." nitro