Spiter's hooker is the only one who is gonna come out

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by stock_trad3r, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. ahead on this. The spitzer family is runied and so is his legacy but the hooker will get plenty of work and there will be no consequence. We're in a new era of web 2.0 and myspace and facebook and thats how things work.
  2. Yep.
    I wonder what her new hourly rate is?:eek:
  3. pkts


    Does she spitz er does she swallow?

    Heh heh....sorry.
  4. For 5.5 grand, I thought it would be Angelina.

    This chick is so average.
  5. tkolber


    spitzer's eyesight as well as his brain must be inpaired:D
  6. She's good looking with a really tight body. That can't be contested. Probably a wreck with lots of drama and issues of course. Are there better looking girls in the "entertainment" field in NYC and LA? absolutely.

    I hope she wins out just because this is uncharted waters.

    It really is true about girls from Jersey, and I've always had a fondness for the Jersey Shore.