Spiralling Outta Control... Democrats Seek Millionaire Tax Surcharge

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Tauvros, May 10, 2010.

  1. MKTrader


    Here you go:


    There was nothing incoherent or rambling about my post, though. Perhaps you can set yourself head-and-shoulders above your "yes we can (live off someone else's taxes!)" comrades by developing better reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. There's some real "hope and change" for you!
    #71     May 13, 2010
  2. clacy


    Sandy, you need to quit blaming other people and other generations for your problems. Get off your ass and go make something of yourself. This is America, where anyone can become a millionaire if they have some talent and work ethic. If you don't have those two things, then I guess you should keep waiting for handouts from the dems/unions.
    #72     May 13, 2010
  3. No, you're "not investing"... the BANK is investing. The bank pays you the deposit rate and keeps all excess for itself. While it's true that "your savings are being invested", you don't benefit as an investor.
    #73     May 13, 2010
  4. Bernanke and the entire Obama administration, are liars and frauds. They always claim, "deflation is the worst possible thing". Well, that's a lie. Deflation is healing, invigorating, rejuvinating and TEMPORARY... it's just bad for government in the short term.

    Inflation is the killer. Anyone who doesn't believe this should study some world economic history...
    #74     May 13, 2010
  5. You are investing. You are giving your capital to someone else who is taking on risk in order to make a return, and you are getting a return on your money. What other definition of "investment" is there?

    With any bank that has a federal deposit guarantee, you are taking on very little risk, you only need worry about sovereign default following bank default. So, you get very little return. I have a checking and savings account at BofA, I get 0.2% on my money in savings and nothing on my money in checking. But there is zero effective risk on that money. I could keep it under my mattress, but I risk having it stolen, the house burning down etc..
    #75     May 13, 2010