Spell Check for Posts

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by datamerc, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. What is the possibility of adding a spell check feature for posts? I know some browsers have native support in textarea fields, but it seems most people ignore it. This would also help the vast number of users who speak English as a second language.

    It won't really help on the grammar, but would be a nice. :D
  2. Hey, effective communication rises above ceremony.

    The denizans of "ET" (an animal, plant or person that lives in or is often in a particular place) always get there point lacross
  3. You're correct - The denizens of "ET" (an animal, plant or person that lives in or is often in a particular place) always get their point across. Like I said, it won't help grammar. :p
  4. have you heard of literary license?

    breaking the rulz to make the greater point?

    don't stifle us with mandate for the King's English.

    ET is just fine the way it is, even better!
  5. TRS


    English, or American English?
    I'm forever being told (via a red underline) to spell offence as offense, or flavour as flavor.
    The English language is a bastardised, sorry bastardized language. It will evolve.
  6. American English, since that appears to be the core language of ET. You're right - languages are always evolving and AE is really the red-headed step child that doesn't make much sense in the scheme of things.
  7. TRS


    I hear you. I still spell license.. licence:). Oh, there's that bloody red underline:D