Speed - Openecry,Transact,X-trader

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by ssss, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. ssss



    Tested today demo Openecry(PATS) against
    Transact AT .

    Transact was visible speedy for ERTH7 in time of low
    volatility alsov(10.00-10.10 NY time)

    Opinion of operator,which have experience with X-trader
    welcome ...

    Your respectfully
  2. virgin


    Openecry has a PATS feed ?!

    I just asked Openecry on their chat and
    they say they have their own datafeed.

    Where do you get your information ?
  3. Demo versions will tell you nothing.....
  4. virgin


    I agree demo is worthless because they
    use different servers and openecry has
    no PATS feed according to them
  5. Demo or not, Oecry will lag transact and xtrader.
  6. ssss



    Openecry has a PATS feed ?!

    I just asked Openecry on their chat and
    they say they have their own datafeed.

    Where do you get your information ?

    Dear Virgin

    Knew not precise(used information from ET publication) ,sorry for error .But observation,no
    doubt AT is more speedy today .

    Have two overlapping DOME for erth7
    one from Openecry ,second from AT

    AT is more speedy

    Any experience about X-trader ?

    Which of company offer demo test ?
    (GF,Velocity ?)

    Your respectfully

    P.S.Opinion of any operator ,which have both OEC and AT with real money account welcome ...
  7. ssss



    Author is Germany based and interessed hear another operator's opinion about speed.
    Who is interessed to perform demo test -X-trader,CTS T4,
    AT ? In EU and in USA . Please inform the author

    Would comparsion with Esignal usefull?
    (this offered alsov without charge)

    Offer from X-trader is most expensiv ,from AT -most cheap

    Your respectfully
  8. x_trader pro is the best..............................