Spectre's Videos

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Spectre2007, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. http://www.screencast.com/users/Spectre

    do to high volume bandwidth...

    the above link will take you to the folder with the vids.

    when watching the vids, try to have a anticipatory state, or what you would do when seeing what your seeing...in the price action.

    I'm maintaing the above folder and charged bandwidth costs, use them wisely..

  2. great stuff, spectre. i admire the creativity and enjoy the sound.


  3. thanx..

    will add more, as my back will allow me..just went and bought a new office chair..

    if anyone has questions why something was done or wasn't done during the timeline of the vid..

    just point out the time point and which vid...will answer questions.

    I clearly made mistakes, whenever drawdowns exist beyond a certain timelimit, it should alert you about the trade...viability..
  4. GSP


    could you make them downloadable please?
  5. tried... in the future will see if there is a option for it..
  6. Good stuff, thanks a lot for the post
  7. Cool!:cool:
  8. pma


    Great vids Chris!
  9. jtnet


    whats with the trippy music, you have that blasting during trading?
  10. jtnet


    this is all on sim right? i watched the non farm pay roll and just click in short 10 lots at a time, doesnt look right

    one of the durable goods vid says welcome to sim trader and you press ok really fast
    #10     Jan 23, 2008