Special Offer

Discussion in 'Events' started by Brandonf, Jul 8, 2003.

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  1. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Be our personal guest in Trading From Main Street‘s Live Trading Room for two full weeks. We normally charge $195 for a one-month access to the Live Trading Room. In addition, as our guest you can purchase ½ hour of personal mentoring with Toni or me for only $50.00. This is a $150 value.

    And our offer gets even better! If at any time during the thirty minutes mentoring you are not satisfied we will not charge you the $50.00. We are the only online trading room willing to offer anything remotely close to this, which speaks for itself and the integrity of our company.

    Most traders fail in the market, not because they do not have enough knowledge in trading, but simply because they don't know how to apply that knowledge in a real-time trading environment. By trading with Toni and I in real-time, you will learn to apply that knowledge. Together we will create a clear path for you to follow to becoming a successful trader.

    If you would like to be our special guest for two-weeks in the Live Trading Room and participate in our ½ hour mentoring special please click below. In the coupon box type Mentoring and you will be contacted to set up an appointment. Act now to begin your journey with Trading From Main Street and bring your trading to a higher level.

    Live Trading Room / Mentoring Guest Offer: http://tfms.webhost4life.com/freetrialproduct.html

    If you would like to see how we call the market click here to sign up for our Free Focus letter. http://tfms.webhost4life.com/newsletterprod.html

    All my best,

    Brandon Fredrickson
  2. What is your track record? Do yu have it published anywhere?
  3. Will123


    If you want to see a track record just go watch them work. You will see it every day.
  4. Uhhh - no thanks. A track record will help me determine if I go watch them work. Time is a valuable resource, and I do not want to waste it on evaluating a service.

    So, I take it, there is no track record? Not trying to be confrontational, just seeing if it is worth my time and effort.
  5. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Time is your single most valuable resourse, I definatly agree. We have in the past kept a track record but have since stopped because it takes 5 to 6 hours a week that we could instead spend on other things (being together) so we do not any more. I am sure that we do lose some potential members due to this but that is the trade we have made.

    Though we do no longer keep a track record, we do keep members. We started doing this in late 1998 and still have over 40% of our orginal members, something that no other service can claim to come close to that I am aware of.

  6. Thanks for your response and honesty. But, if your track record is respectable, I would think it would be worth hiring p-t help for 10 hours a week to keep it up to date. That is not much money, and the cost of one additional member would probably cover it.

    I was part of a thread that discussed this in detail. Most people agreed that services should be accountable for their performance, and document it in it's entirety. And, if you have a good track record that is documented you should be able to increase your membership.

    But, that is if your track record is respectable.

    Just a thought. Best of luck.
  7. I do not want to start a fight here, so I will stress that this is MY OPINION.

    IMO, the only reason a service would not keep a complete, up to date record is because their performance is not that great.

    If your performance is good, you want it out there. And an hour a day or so to keep it current is not that much work.

    My .02.

  8. ddog


    "Time is your single most valuable resourse, I definatly agree. We have in the past kept a track record but have since stopped because it takes 5 to 6 hours a week that we could instead spend on other things (being together) so we do not any more."

    Why can't you "be together" while working on your track record?
  9. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

  10. dbphoenix


    Anyone who insists on a "track record" before opening up his mind to any sort of possibility will never read another book or article, attend another seminar, engage in another discussion.

    BF's chatroom is not to my liking, but it's a free trial. But if your time is all that valuable and there's so little left for you to learn, then you should by all means pass it up.
    #10     Jul 8, 2003
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