Spain, Ireland `Thrown to the Wolves' After ECB Move

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by makloda, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. Inflation is a lagging indicator. It takes a couple quarters of subpar GDP performance for it to be felt in lower (core)inflation.
    #51     Jul 5, 2008
  2. kashirin


    there are demographic differences. US population growth around 1% and EU around 0.1%
    so US need to grow 1% just to support its population growth
    #52     Jul 5, 2008
  3. God Damnit! Why can't congress eliminate this STUPID ethnol mandate!

    It just seems to me, that with all the credit defaults, and banks balance sheets taking major hits, they're all flooding into other dollar denominate assets. The dollar is weak so you can't go there. Stocks and treasuries yield nothing, so let's flood commodities. This inflation play is bullshit!
    #53     Jul 5, 2008
  4. noparole


    Actually Poirot,I'm fluent in the only two languages that count,English and Spanish.Why on earth would anyone other than a Dutchman need to speak Dutch?I've lived in America,Mexico,Spain and the UK and have never in all that time needed to speak French or German,in fact I've hardly even come into contact with French or German people,if you do regularly then I guess that's just your bad luck.Fortunately,I don't.
    #54     Jul 5, 2008
  5. gnome


    Because the babes DIG Dutch.
    #55     Jul 5, 2008
  6. bkveen3


    Just wondering if you could provide a link to support your claim. I may be skeptical but I'll take your for it now.
    #56     Jul 5, 2008
  7. cvds16


    Actually, I am not a Dutchman, far from it, I am Belgian, just like Poirot ... only not french speaking, but I guess the subtlety escapes you.
    And if you really think you speak the two biggest langauges you are wrong again, you forgot about the Chinese, but I guess again you think the world revolves around you and your experiences.
    #57     Jul 5, 2008
  8. zdreg


    "Spain and Ireland make up less than 15 percent of the region's economy and their economies together are about half the size of Germany's. Growth in Europe's biggest economy accelerated in the first quarter to the fastest pace in 12 years and manufacturing was still expanding in June. Spanish industry contracted by the most on record."
    "However, all economic indicators now already do suggest severe weakness in the Eurozone, not only in Spain and Ireland but also in France and Germany. This by itself should tame inflation over the next 2-3 years. A series of hikes "

    makloda vs. makloda. that is an even match.

    economists can' predict correctly the day after tomorrow. you think you can predict inflation for the next two or three years. doubtful at best. a recipe for disaster at worse.
    inflation is nothing more or less than a monetary phenomena resulting from the printing and the velocity of money
    #58     Jul 5, 2008
  9. The Fed needs to increase rates in the United States, plus we need to end corn ethanol, plus make a law that all new cars that are not electric or a hybrid can not be sold in the United States. Finally, we need to drill in Alaska.

    Of course, the government never does the right things, does it?

    #59     Jul 5, 2008
  10. cvds16


    And one more thing moron (if you can call names, I can too) I never declared myself the authority on economics, I am far from that. But I do know some basic stuff, unlike some people here in this thread. Can't help it though if you feel like this remark is targeted at you, but then again maybe it is ...
    #60     Jul 5, 2008