Space Travel Service

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by HeSaidSheSaid, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. provided by Jeff Bezo and Richard Branson would they take off? I think it's going to be a dud because
    1) prohibited cost would turn off a lot of people, and (not many people would have $200K or pay $200K to experience weightlessness). One could hire a Boeing to take him/her to some elevation, or go to science center in his area, he could experience the weightlessness
    2) there's a good chance, one would throw up or would be killed (like those space shuttles were not really that safe because they were subjected to the extreme conditions and applications: high temperature, high speed, extreme environment, long flight, powerful thrust, ... would be tough on the materials and the machine endurance.
    3) market for this type of services would be small I think. it's more of a clique market, only certain individuals would be attracted to.
    4) fundamentally, generally humans don't have a need for flying, but we do have a need for climbing (probably, inherited from monkey) :). so I think it'd make more sense Richard Branson to provide air service to take people from Mount Everest's Base camp to the summit. :)
    or an airplane that could carry 1000 people from New York to Paris or LA to Shanghai because this is the area of interest of the average joes (around the world), and they could afford it :)
  2. maxinger


    target customers include successful traders.
  3. ZBZB


    I think virgin galactic are more interested in US-Australia and U.K.-Australia in 30 minutes.
    vanzandt likes this.
  4. guru


    Blue Origin already has $100M in reservations, so that’s a gold start.
    There is also no reason to believe that other/alien civilizations aren’t already regularly in space, and it had to start somewhere
    Though all your points are valid, just not sure how important besides chit-chatting. Just wait and see.
  5. Overnight


    That will never happen with rocket technology.
  6. ZBZB


  7. Overnight


    Because it will be prohibitively expensive and dangerous. You'd have to achieve low-earth orbit to be able to get from the US or UK to Australia in 30 mins, and that requires retro rockets on the capsule to initiate a de-orbiting burn. And heat-shields and the possibility of burning up on re-entry. All that jazz.

    HeSaidSheSaid likes this.
  8. ok, Mr. 10%-percenter (as in 90% of traders fail), tell us what kind of dangerous things that you've done in your life. I think not 100% of this 10% percenters are the adventurous type, who would want to go to outer space to experience weightlessness for a few minutes. I see no point of doing that (in terms of money is well spent?) .... there're a lot of enjoyments here on earth one could experience and a lot of cheaper and safer. There're a lot of X rays and gamma rays up there that would zap one's DNA. That could make one want to scream "my boys can't swim" :). I wouldn't be surprised one day AMZN would sell ball shield for space travel (to protect one's junk from the cosmic radiations :)