Sowell: The Multicultural Cult

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Trader666, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. Yes, those people all worked for the govt of China in some advisory capacity. Usually in the capacity of advising them on how do deal with or do business with the west. They are not members of executive government.

    #11     Oct 21, 2010
  2. ===============
    What kind of Jewish refuge would not support Isreal?? Some one that has not given it much thought or much research....

    Would to God he would change his mind/direction;
    and he could learn a lot from JPFO[Jews For Possession of Firearms Ownership]

    Well the Chinese commies do lease out black & white panda bears@$50,000 per year , to US zoos[USD,LOL].:D
    #12     Oct 21, 2010
  3. the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is part of their "parliament". China's "Congress"is made up of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the National people's Congress.

    Both CPPCC and NPC plenary sessions are often called the Lianghui (The Two Meetings), making important national level political decisions.

    The role that CPPCC plays in the Chinese government is stated in the preamble of the PRC Constitution. In practice, its role and powers are somewhat analogous to a legislative upper house and there have been occasional proposals to formalize this role in the PRC Constitution.
    #13     Oct 21, 2010
  4. You plagiarized this from Wikipedia, except for the part that went against your case which you deleted and I've restored in red.'s_Political_Consultative_Conference#Present_role
    #14     Oct 21, 2010
  5. phenomena you make an interesting argument about only white countries being subjected to Multi-culturalism. However, looking at that argument from a different perspective, might change your mind. For example europeans ruled almost all of Africa for several hundred years and most of Asia. The indigeneous people were the subjects of the Kings and queens of the various european countries that colonized them. European culture was forced upon the subjects and those who refused to accept that alien culture and religion were dealt with harshly. Much of China was controlled by foreigners and the United States govt even appointed a US Marshal to enforce laws in the areas that they controlled. Slaves were transported from Africa to the United States against their will and sold and bred. They were given a new religion and new names and lost almost all connection with their old culture.

    In the early 1960s the era of colonialism came to an end and most of the countries in Africa and Asia were able to gain some control of their own destinies, but they by no means were free of european influence and culture.

    Even in the year 2010, US culture is spread around the world. American movies, music and business is in almost every single nation and is usually dominant. Think about it. How many chinese songs do you know? How many Jordanian songs? How many US songs do you think Chinese youth know? Do you watch TV and movies produced from other countries? You can be assured that most people in other countries are exposed to US entertainment culture on daily basis.

    Even in regards to non-entertainment areas of focus, "white countries" have exercised considerable influence and control...examples being the recent 2 wars in Iraq. Would you consider Iraqis as being free from outside cultural and political influence?

    I would make the argument that multi-culturalism was forced on non-white countries for centuries. In modern times it is mostly a voluntary process and much of it comes from movies, TV and the internet...but it is very visible and significant and actually shaping the culture in almost every single part of the world.

    I am not making an argument that europe or the US has to accept endless immigrants, or let another religion or culture supplant their own. Of course that would be extremely foolish. However, I think that it is important to understand that Multi-culturalism effects almost everyone and the driving force behind it is just as often the endless desire for profits as it is some liberal idealist. The illegal immigrants getting hired as cheap labor in the US and the drive to get entry visas for engineers from India, or outsource employment to third world countries is proof of that.

    I am curious to find out what your ideas are regarding dealing with multi-culturalism is the US and europe are. Do you have any suggestions in addition to ending immigration? What about the minority groups that are already in europe and the United States?
    #15     Oct 22, 2010
  6. Mercor


    The reality is that when you hear of a diversity job means no Whites wanted.

    Something wrong about that.
    #16     Oct 22, 2010
  7. Absolutely. Whites are BY FAR the group most victimized by racism currently today. Whites are subjected to institutional racism. The affirmative action, and other racial quota programs which limit the amount of white students who can be on a campus, or how many white people can have jobs in a certain company.

    Yet, if you want no racial discrimination, if you want the job to go to the candidate who is best qualified, or the student with the best grades and test scores regardless of race, then YOU are called a racist... If you want selections to be made entirely independent of racial considerations, then you are a racist. If you are in favor of racial discrimination, then you are not a racist. Even your average idiot can see the hypocrisy of this absurdity.

    #17     Oct 22, 2010
  8. That's more than a bit of an exaggeration. Europe didn't rule "most of Africa". Further, the parts of Africa which were ruled by Europe had and have since had the best standards of living in Africa. The African nations which were colonized in fact benefited greatly from said colonization. Asia yields more examples. Which parts of Asia were most heavily colonized by Europe? Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau (highest life expectancy in the world), Taiwan, Japan. The best places to live, with the best social outcomes and most economic output in Asia are the very places which "suffered" European colonization.

    This is, of course, to miss the point entirely. The fact remains that Asia is still over 95% Asian, and Africa is still over 95% African. It's only Western Caucasian nations which are called on to practice "diversity", and if they do not, are "racists". No one is accusing Asian nations of "racism" for remaining Asian, or African nations for remaining African.

    Slavery is a completely separate issue of course. Yes slaves were sent to Europe and the new world from Africa, MOSTLY BY OTHER AFRICANS. Of course they conveniently leave that out of the history books. Most African slaves were the losers of local tribal warfare. The victors, instead of killing them, sold them to slave traders, usually in exchange for guns or other weapons with which they could capture more prisoners to sell to slave traders. Slavery was also an alternative to the death penalty for criminal offenses within African tribal society.

    Again being "free of European influence" hasn't been considered a good thing for most of the nations which were under it. That is a myth. As I said before the colonized nations which then "obtained control of their own destiny" have all largely deteriorated in the absence of European rule. In fact many of these nations begged the Europeans to stay and organize their societies. Cote d'Ivoire is one example. They begged the French to stay and not "abandon them". The French did indeed stay and leave personnel behind to act in an advisory capacity. Hence Cote d'Ivoire has had remarkably better outcomes than it's neighboring countries. The marked differences between Cote d'Ivoire and say, it's next door neighbor Liberia are astonishing. To reiterate, most of those colonized nations have gone to hell since the Europeans left, and European presence is not something they wanted to be "liberated from".

    Yes US culture is spread around the world in the form of music, movies, and other media. This is a voluntary exchange. They desperately want our media. We aren't "colonizing" them. They desire our culture. There are no Jordanian songs because people don't want to hear them. These are all exchanges which are voluntary in nature, so to represent them as some sort of "colonization" is misleading at best, and ignorant at worst. Everyone knows English songs not because the West forces them down the worlds throat, but because the world wants Western media. The pervasiveness of Western media is a direct consequence of the success of Western culture. Did you know most technical research is conducted in English everywhere in the world? Did you know most graduate and doctoral thesis in technical subjects are done in English? Do you think this is somehow a product of forceful cultural indoctrination? If you do, you are out of touch with reality. English is the lingua franca of today. This wasn't an act of force.

    Of course Iraq has Western cultural influences, and many Iraqis desperately want more Western culture to be there. However, Iraq is still over 90% Iraqi. You are misrepresenting my position. I'm never said that people should only be allowed to be exposed to western media, and other forms should be censored. My position is that it shouldn't be promoted by authorities, while our own culture is belittled, trivialized, and criticized. I'm saying that we shouldn't be subjected to cultural influences that we don't want. Those other nations WANT to import Western culture, often desperately. The west does NOT want to import their cultures in most cases, and shouldn't be forced to. They also shouldn't suffer character attacks such as "racist", or "intolerant" for expressing their own preferences. Yet the establishment tells them that they shouldn't be proud of their own culture, that they should want to practice "multiculturalism", and if they disagree that they are "racists". The fact is that every people generally has a preference for their own culture, and that's perfectly natural and respectable. However, only Western caucasian nations are called upon practice "tolerance" and celebrate "diversity".

    You are operating on some historically false beliefs. You are also not differentiating between voluntarily importing Western culture, and forcefully exporting it.

    My ideas on how to deal with it? First of all, end all 3rd world immigration. Any exception must a distinguished academic or professional, preferably working in some field of scientific or medical research. Deport all illegals. Deport any recent immigrant who commits a crime ( like a real crime, with a victim: murder, assault, rape, robbery- not drug possession.) Offer voluntary deportation as an alternative to a prison sentence to 3rd world immigrants and their offspring. Primarily limit immigration to people from other western, or 1st world nations. Incentivize first world people to breed. Discourage 3rd worlders and lower classes from breeding. Our system is entirely fucked. Our system discourages breeding amongst successful and productive people, and encourages breeding amongst the lower and more parasitic classes. This must be reversed.

    These are impromptu suggestions, and serve as a rough outline.

    #18     Oct 22, 2010
  9. LOL!! Snagged him on that one. It just makes me wonder why someone would take the initiative to alter data to disprove my very obvious point instead of acknowledging it. It's as if people have been so brainwashed by this multikulti nonsense that they feel some moral obligation to go so far as to lie or obfuscate the truth out of it. But why?

    It's not like I'm advocating gas chambers or lynchings. I'm pro israel, and pro western. I simply think we have a right to our heritage, and our culture just like everyone else does to theirs. I think European and Euro derived nations have a right to put the interests of their own nations and people first, as does everyone else. That's exactly what other peoples and nations do, and I think that ought to be okay for us as well. I want an end to the double standard against white people and white nations.

    #19     Oct 22, 2010
  10. But you forgot to post

    The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会, Zhōngguó Rénmín Zhèngzhì Xiéshāng Huìyì Quanguo Weiyuanhui, shortened as 全国政协, Quánguó Zhèngxié, i.e. "National PCC") typically holds a yearly meeting at the same time as plenary sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC). Both CPPCC and NPC plenary sessions are often called the Lianghui (The Two Meetings), making important national level political decisions.

    What is the difference? Any upper house legislative body in the world, like the UK's house of lords "makes suggestions and advises" the government. It is however as I pointed out also, a legislative body which does deal with domestic policy not as the above poster suggested, made up of people who advise china on "how to deal with the west." That's ludicrous.

    This is news on the CPPCC.

    BEIJING, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- China's national political advisors Thursday offered suggestions on the national development plan for 2011 to 2015, at a meeting of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in Beijing.

    At the gathering, 15 CPPCC members made speeches in which they advised the government on issues such as improving education, adjusting income distribution, developing the western regions, enhancing China's innovative abilities and public welfare.
    #20     Oct 22, 2010